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smuggling ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

smuggling anlamı
1) kaçakçılık
2) kaçırma

"smuggling" için örnek kullanımlar

Of late the Upper East Region has been experiencing fuel shortage due to smuggling.
Geç Upper East Region kaçakçılığı nedeniyle yakıt sıkıntısı yaşanmaktadır ki.
Kaynak: spyghana.com
Russia wants MAZ and Grodno Azot for solvent smuggling важная новость?
Rusya solvent kaçakçılığı MAZ ve Grodno Azot istiyor важная новость?
Kaynak: charter97.org
Loopholes in the law simply encourage the illegal smuggling of elephants into Thailand.
Hukuk boşlukları sadece Tayland içine filler yasadışı kaçakçılığı teşvik.
Kaynak: thestar.com.my
People smuggling (also called human smuggling) is defined as "the facilitation, transportation, attempted transportation or illegal entry
Kaynak: People smuggling
In many countries, drug smuggling carries severe penalties. These include lengthy periods of incarceration, flogging , and even the death
Kaynak: Illegal drug trade
Arms trafficking, also known as gunrunning, is the illegal trafficking or smuggling of contraband weapon s or ammunition . What
Kaynak: Arms trafficking
Wildlife smuggling or trafficking involves the illegal gathering, transportation, and distribution of animals and their derivatives.
Kaynak: Wildlife smuggling
Smuggling: IRGC#Controversy | 2007 Gasoline Rationing Plan in Iran#Fuel smuggling | Health care in Iran#Illegal drugs | Crime in Iran | l1
Kaynak: Taxation in Iran
Smuggling tunnels are secret tunnels , usually hidden underground, used for smuggling of goods and people . The practise began in 17th
Kaynak: Smuggling tunnel
national border, including bringing in to and out of an international plane, especially a small amount, transported for a smuggling organization .
Kaynak: Mule (smuggling)
Cigarette smuggling is the illicit transportation of cigarette s from an administrative division with low taxation to a division with high
Kaynak: Cigarette smuggling
The Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels are passages that have been dug under the Egypt-Gaza border. The Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty of 1979 split
Kaynak: Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels
This list of smuggling in fiction includes works of fiction (in both prose and poetry) where smuggling is a prominent theme.
Kaynak: Smuggling in fiction
New Zealand has a number of rare and endangered species and there have been cases of wildlife smuggling . investigate smuggling to and from
Kaynak: Wildlife smuggling in New Zealand
The Chiasso financial smuggling case began on June 3, 2009 near Chiasso, Switzerland (near the Swiss/Italian border), when Sezione
Kaynak: Chiasso financial smuggling case
different countries' law enforcement divisions to stop the smuggling of arms, adopt strict licensing requirements, and make firearms easier to trace
Kaynak: Smuggling of firearms into Mexico
Human smuggling is the practice of intermediaries aiding unauthorized immigrants in crossing over international borders in financial gain
Kaynak: Illegal immigration

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