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spectre ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

spectre anlamı
1) hayalet
2) hayalet
3) hayal
4) hayal
5) vesvese
6) vesvese
7) kuruntu
8) kuruntu
9) ürkütücü şey
10) ürkütücü şey

"spectre" için örnek kullanımlar

Moreover, bailing in depositors brings up the spectre of bank runs again.
Ayrıca, mevduat içinde balyalama yine banka pistlerinden hayaleti getirir.
Kaynak: creditwritedowns.com
This again raises the spectre of a R3 billion fine being imposed on Telkom.
Bu da yine Telkom dayatılan ince bir R3 milyar hayaleti yükseltir.
Kaynak: thepost.co.za
May the spectre of the Ponce de Leon haunt herbariums, there to terrify taxonomists.
Ponce de Leon uğrak herbaryum bir hayaleti, taksonomistlerin orada korkutmak için olabilir.
Kaynak: canadafreepress.com
Even so those runs have to be scored with the spectre of ignominious defeat hovering.
Öyle bile olsa, bu ishal gezinip rezil yenilgi hayaleti ile atılır gerekir.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
Spectre or specter usually refers to a ghost or other apparition . It may also refer to an optical illusion called a brocken spectre .
Kaynak: Spectre
In traditional belief and fiction , a ghost (sometimes known as a spectre (British English) or specter (American English), phantom,
Kaynak: Ghost
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game , the spectre is an undead creature. Publication history: The spectre was one of the
Kaynak: Spectre (Dungeons & Dragons)

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