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spectrum ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

spectrum anlamı
1) spektrum
2) tayf
3) göz kamaştıktan sonraki görüntü
4) birbiri ile ilgili düşünce ve nesneler dizisi

"spectrum" için örnek kullanımlar

On Thursday, he told Spectrum that international concern over the issue is welcome.
Perşembe günü, o konu üzerinde uluslararası bir endişe hoş olduğunu Spektrum söyledi.
Kaynak: bangkokpost.com
Mr. Fisher said all parts of political spectrum would agree that "99.8% is not bad."
Bay Fisher siyasi yelpazenin her yerinde kabul edeceğini söyledi "% 99.8 kötü değil."
Kaynak: online.wsj.com
Vikram's character had autism spectrum disorders in the film.
Vikram karakteri filmde otistik spektrum bozuklukları vardı.
Kaynak: ibnlive.in.com
As a host Newsplex.com welcomes a wide spectrum of opinions.
Bir konak Newsplex.com görüşler geniş bir yelpazede karşılıyor gibi.
Kaynak: newsplex.com
A spectrum (plural spectra or spectrums) is a condition that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary infinitely within a
Kaynak: Spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation The "electromagnetic spectrum" of an
Kaynak: Electromagnetic spectrum
The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to (can be detected by) the human eye .
Kaynak: Visible spectrum
The emission spectrum of a chemical element or chemical compound is the spectrum of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation emitted due
Kaynak: Emission spectrum
Radio spectrum refers to the part of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponding to radio frequencies – that is, frequencies lower than
Kaynak: Radio spectrum
subdividing the incoming photon s into a spectrum exhibiting a rainbow of colors interspersed by absorption lines , each line indicating
Kaynak: Stellar classification
The frequency spectrum of a time-domain signal is a representation of that signal in the frequency domain . The frequency spectrum can be
Kaynak: Frequency spectrum
In abstract algebra and algebraic geometry , the spectrum of a commutative ring R, denoted by Spec(R), is the set of all proper prime
Kaynak: Spectrum of a ring
A broadcast license (U.S.) or broadcast licence (elsewhere ) is a type of spectrum license granting the licensee permission to use a
Kaynak: Broadcast license
A political spectrum is a way of modeling different political positions by placing them upon one or more geometric axes symbolizing
Kaynak: Political spectrum
Infrared spectroscopy (IR spectroscopy) is the spectroscopy that deals with the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum , that is
Kaynak: Infrared spectroscopy
Herschel discovered infrared radiation beyond the red part of the solar spectrum The 19th century saw advancement in spectroscopic studies
Kaynak: Sun
Primary properties of visible light are intensity , propagation direction, frequency or wavelength spectrum , and polarisation , while
Kaynak: Light
A spectral line is a dark or bright line in an otherwise uniform and continuous spectrum , resulting from a deficiency or excess of photons
Kaynak: Spectral line

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