Trading in the securities of Acme should be considered highly
Acme menkul Ticaret derece spekülatif düşünülmelidir.
Kaynak: marketwire.comSpeculative buyers also helped push home prices unsustainably higher.
Spekülatif alıcılar da sürdürülemez yüksek ev fiyatları itmek yardımcı oldu.
Kaynak: "Anything about his availability for opening day is
speculative," Alderson said.
"Açılış günü için onun durumu hakkında bir şey spekülatif olduğunu," Alderson dedi.
Kaynak:''Anything about his availability for Opening Day is
speculative,'' Alderson said.
Açılış Günü için yaptığı kullanılabilirliği hakkında'' şey spekülatif olduğunu,'' Alderson dedi.
Kaynak: bostonglobe.comThis kind of
speculative work, which posts from the point of view of an alternate history is variously known as a "recursive alternate
Kaynak: Alternate historyPurchasing unused land for a potential development is sometimes called
speculative development. Subdivision of land is the principal
Kaynak: Real estate developmentcautioned from the
speculative excess of unorthodox groups such as the Mu'tazilah and Jahmiyya As he states in his article "Kalam and Islam":"
Kaynak: Ilm al-KalamA
speculative attack is a term used by economists to denote a precipitous acquisition of some assets (currencies, gold, emission permits,
Kaynak: Speculative attackLGBT themes in
speculative fiction refer to the incorporation of lesbian , gay , bisexual , or transgender (LGBT ) themes into science
Kaynak: LGBT themes in speculative fictionAn economic bubble (sometimes referred to as a
speculative bubble, a market bubble, a price bubble, a financial bubble, a
speculative mania
Kaynak: Economic bubbleGender has been an important theme explored in
speculative fiction . The genres that make up
speculative fiction (SF)Note1 | a | a,
Kaynak: Gender in speculative fiction