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speculation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

speculation anlamı
1) spekülasyon
2) tahmin
3) teori
4) kuramsal düşünme
5) borsada oynama

"speculation" için örnek kullanımlar

When you go from speculation to investigation, you come out with the truth.
Eğer spekülasyon soruşturması gittiğinizde, size gerçeği ile çıktı.
Kaynak: dailycomet.com
Much speculation on this has been going on for some time now.
Bu konuda çok fazla spekülasyon süredir devam etmektedir.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
Yes, the numbers 2.63 million and 3 million certainly make for interesting speculation.
Evet, sayıları 2.63 milyon ve 3 milyon kesinlikle ilginç spekülasyon yapmak.
Kaynak: indystar.com
One thing he won't do is obsess over bubble speculation.
O yapmayacağım bir şey kabarcık spekülasyonlar üzerine tedirgin olduğunu.
Kaynak: masslive.com
"mythopoesis" or mythopoeia , "fictional speculation", the creative design and generation of lore, regarding such works as J.R.R. Tolkien '
Kaynak: Speculative fiction
It contains no speculation or prophecy as to what the scribes believed would happen at that time. Dates beyond b'ak'tun 13: Mayan inscriptions
Kaynak: 2012 phenomenon
Without hardware support, the compiler could only issue speculative instructions which have no side effects in case of wrong speculation
Kaynak: Speculative execution
Apple's official stance on speculation around any future product releases, is that they do not directly comment on such speculation, nor
Kaynak: Apple community
Domain name speculation is the practice of identifying and registering or acquiring Internet domain name s with the intent of selling them
Kaynak: Domain name speculation
Culture speculation is the practice of engaging in or promoting an area or region through either direct investment or relocation in
Kaynak: Culture speculation
The Pine Barrens Speculation is often conflated with the Yazoo land scandal , which occurred at about the same time. enable speculation by
Kaynak: Pine Barrens speculation

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