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sufficient ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sufficient anlamı
1) yeterli
2) yeter
3) kâfi
4) elverişli
5) nitelikli
1) yeterli kalite

"sufficient" için örnek kullanımlar

But "smarts" are not sufficient when it comes to spiritual understanding.
Ama "Smarts" bu manevi anlayış söz konusu olduğunda yeterli değildir.
Kaynak: christianpost.com
If there was sufficient fund, the event could have been extended to other areas.
Yeterli fon olsaydı, olayı başka alanlara genişletilmiş olabilirdi.
Kaynak: newindianexpress.com
Finally, is there sufficient impetus and willingness to change American health care?
Son olarak, orada yeterli ivme ve Amerikan sağlık değiştirmeye istekli olduğunu?
Kaynak: postandcourier.com
The assertion that one statement is a necessary and sufficient condition of another means that the former statement is true if and only if
Kaynak: Necessity and sufficiency
In statistics , a sufficient statistic is a statistic which has the property of sufficiency- with respect to a statistical model and its
Kaynak: Sufficient statistic
Moreover, in the Dutch system resits of examinations are more common, allowing pupils who did not attain a sufficient grade are able to
Kaynak: Academic grading in the Netherlands
Non-sufficient funds (NSF) is a term used in the banking industry to indicate that a demand for payment (a cheque ) cannot be honored
Kaynak: Non-sufficient funds
The principle of sufficient reason states that nothing is without a ground or reason why it is. the principle of sufficient reason with "ex
Kaynak: Principle of sufficient reason
A sufficient cause is a complete causal mechanism. It can be defined as a set of events that inevitably produce disease. This can be
Kaynak: Sufficient causes
On a national scale, a totally self-sufficient economy that does not trade with the outside world is called an autarky . self-sufficient
Kaynak: Self-sufficiency
Most patent law systems require that a patent application disclose a claim ed invention in sufficient detail for the notional person
Kaynak: Sufficiency of disclosure
Autarky is the quality of being self-sufficient . Usually the term is applied to political states or their economic system s.
Kaynak: Autarky
connective or Boolean operator is functionally complete by itself, it is called a Sheffer function or sometimes a sole sufficient operator.
Kaynak: Functional completeness
responsible building design to large commercial buildings, such as office buildings, making them largely self-sufficient in energy production.
Kaynak: Autonomous building
However, a value of 0 suggests that the mean and variance of all the sufficient statistics are uniformly 0, whereas in fact the mean of
Kaynak: Exponential family

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