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suffocating ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

suffocating anlamı
1) boğucu
2) bunaltıcı

"suffocating" için örnek kullanımlar

Nash led all scorers inside, while Smart provided suffocating defense.
Akıllı Savunma boğucu sağlarken Nash, içindeki tüm atanlar açtı.
Kaynak: kansascity.com
After an early Pirates barrage from deep, the Orange defense was suffocating.
Derin bir erken Korsanları ateşinden sonra, Turuncu savunma boğuyordu.
Kaynak: newstimes.com
Gusts of wind whip a plume carrying suffocating concentrations of volcanic gas.
Rüzgar kamçı Volkanik gazı boğucu konsantrasyonları taşıyan bir tüy Rüzgarlar.
Kaynak: hawaii247.com
The heat and humidity can be suffocating for tourists unaccustomed to the climate.
Isı ve nem iklim alışık turistler için boğucu olabilir.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
They killed the usually-intoxicated victims by sitting on their chests and suffocating them by putting a hand over their nose and mouth,
Kaynak: Asphyxia
This colorless liquid has a suffocating odor due to its tendency to hydrolyze with release of hydrogen bromide The general properties of
Kaynak: Silicon tetrabromide
A stinkpot or stink-pot was an incendiary and suffocating weapon used in 19th century China , especially in naval operations.
Kaynak: Stinkpot (weapon)
vociferous faction who wanted a more vigorous prosecution of the war, and who likened it to the coils of an anaconda suffocating its victim.
Kaynak: Anaconda Plan
The nitrogen dioxide dissolves until the liquid is saturated, and evaporates off into fumes with a suffocating odor. RFNA increases the
Kaynak: Red fuming nitric acid
that a valve had opened just prior to leaving orbit that had allowed the capsule's atmosphere to vent away into space , suffocating the crew.
Kaynak: Viktor Patsayev
but that "some form of throttling or suffocating was the most probable cause of death, which was recorded as 'unascertained During their
Kaynak: Murder of Zoe Nelson
natural disaster in which dissolved carbon dioxide (CO 2) suddenly erupts from deep lake water, suffocating wildlife, livestock and humans.
Kaynak: Limnic eruption
The storm moves in cyclone (circular) form, carrying clouds of dust and sand, and produces on humans and animals a suffocating effect.
Kaynak: Simoom
A fire suppression system discharged gas in the bow of the sub, suffocating civilian specialists and navy crew members. Construction
Kaynak: Russian submarine K-152 Nerpa
In 1944, a steam train stalled in a nearby railway tunnel, suffocating 426 passengers. It was also one of the towns nearly destroyed by
Kaynak: Balvano
Titans", "Johnny's In Love (Again)" and "Lenina" are tinged with an edge of being in a suffocating society and a malevolent State apparatus.
Kaynak: Magnets (album)
Fatalities normally occur from patients not receiving treatment immediately and suffocating prior to knowing that anything serious was wrong.
Kaynak: Retropharyngeal abscess
Can hide from enemy by burying themselves for periods without suffocating. Have blue skin. We later discover that Friday had been cloned by
Kaynak: G.I. (comics)

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