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superscript ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

superscript anlamı
üst simge

"superscript" için örnek kullanımlar

A subscript or superscript is a number , figure, symbol , or indicator that appears smaller than the normal line of type and is set
Kaynak: Subscript and superscript
P sup class"superscript"1/sup , P sup class"superscript"19/sup , P sup class"superscript"21/sup , P sup class"superscript"25/sup , P sup
Kaynak: Biblical manuscript
The service mark symbol, designated by ℠ (the letters SM written in superscript style), is a symbol commonly used in the United States
Kaynak: Service mark symbol
The Dagger alif or superscript alif. (ألف خنجرية ar | ALA | alif khanjariyya is written as a short vertical stroke on top of an Arabic letter
Kaynak: Dagger alif
The International Phonetic Alphabet uses the supscript n ⁿ for nasal release, the superscript w ʷ to indicate labialized or labio-
Kaynak: Superior letter
The diacritic for aspiration in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a superscript "h", ⟨◌ʰ⟩. In Unicode, it is encoded at
Kaynak: Aspirated consonant
The squaring function is denoted by a superscript 2, as in (x+1)2. However when superscripts are not available, as for instance in
Kaynak: Square (algebra)
The exponent is usually shown as a superscript to the right of the base. The exponentiation b n can be read as: b raised to the n-th
Kaynak: Exponentiation
A superscript gamma. 02E0 | MODIFIER LETTER SMALL GAMMA | html after the letter standing for the velarized consonant, as in. tˠ. (the velarized
Kaynak: Velarization
Typographically, the numero sign combines the upper-case Latin letter N with a usually superscript lower-case letter o, sometimes
Kaynak: Numero sign
For example, using a superscript character for the numeral 4 is likely indistinguishable from using the standard character for a numeral 4
Kaynak: Unicode compatibility characters
The symbol for downstep in the International Phonetic Alphabet is a superscript down arrow. It is common to see a superscript
Kaynak: Downstep

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