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supersonic ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

supersonic anlamı
1) sesüstü
2) sesten hızlı
1) sesten hızlı uçak
2) süpersonik uçak
3) sesüstü şey

"supersonic" için örnek kullanımlar

The frigates are each armed with eight BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles.
Fırkateyn sekiz BrahMos süpersonik cruise füzeleri ile donanmış her biri.
Kaynak: zeenews.india.com
You probably even remember Lister, a SuperSonic himself from 1986 to 1989.
Muhtemelen bile Lister, 1986 ve 1989 yılları arasında kendini bir SuperSonic hatırlıyorum.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
It would open at supersonic speeds, which is mechanically challenging.
Bu mekanik zorlu süpersonik hızlarda açacak.
Kaynak: salon.com
Bloodhound supersonic car project chooses location for testing.
Bloodhound süpersonik otomobil projesi testleri için konum seçer.
Kaynak: thisisbristol.co.uk
Flight during which only some parts of the air around an object, such as the ends of rotor blades, reach supersonic speeds are called
Kaynak: Supersonic speed
A supersonic transport (SST) is a civilian supersonic aircraft designed to transport passengers at speeds greater than the speed of sound
Kaynak: Supersonic transport
A supersonic aircraft is designed to exceed the speed of sound in at least some of its normal flight configurations. Overview
Kaynak: Supersonic aircraft
who was one of the first to investigate the properties of supersonic flow which included Schlieren photography techniques to visualize
Kaynak: Aerodynamics
A supersonic wind tunnel is a wind tunnel that produces supersonic speeds (1.2leq the total pressure ratio over normal shock at M in
Kaynak: Supersonic wind tunnel
The sound barrier, in aerodynamics , is the point at which an object moves from transonic to supersonic speed. The term, which
Kaynak: Sound barrier
A supersonic business jet (SSBJ) would be a small business jet , intended to travel at speeds above Mach 1.0 . Typically intended to
Kaynak: Supersonic business jet
A supersonic airfoil is a cross-section geometry designed to generate lift efficiently at supersonic speeds. the supersonic flight regime.
Kaynak: Supersonic airfoils

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