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supervision ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

supervision anlamı
1) gözetim
2) denetleme
3) kontrol
4) nezaret
5) teftiş
6) idare

"supervision" için örnek kullanımlar

However, the CHO is the monitoring officer and the tricycles are supplied under his supervision only.
Bununla birlikte, CHO izleme memuru ve üç tekerlekli sadece kendi kontrolü altında temin edilmektedir.
Kaynak: newindianexpress.com
Residents are licensed physicians who care for patients under the supervision of attending physicians.
Sakinleri hekim katılıyor gözetiminde hastalara bakmak hekimler lisanslıdır.
Kaynak: toledoblade.com
The Senate report also slammed the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency for its poor supervision.
Senato raporu, aynı zamanda yoksul denetimi için Para Birimi Denetim Bürosu çarptı.
Kaynak: valuewalk.com
It also said that a senior level panel had been set up for daily monitoring and supervision of the probe.
Aynı zamanda üst düzey bir panelde prob günlük gözetim ve denetim için ayarlanmış olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
The school will act in loco parentis meaning "in lieu of parent supervision". In many locales, government is responsible for monitoring
Kaynak: Child care
video gaming Music supervisors may work within production companies, film studios, networks, music supervision companies, or do freelance work.
Kaynak: Music supervisor
The largest number of agencies are in the U.S.A. Kashrus Magazine publishes an annual guide of almost all kosher supervision agencies
Kaynak: Hechsher
Line signaling is responsible for off-hook , ringing signal , answer, ground start , on-hook unidirectional supervision messaging in each
Kaynak: Line signaling
Answer and Disconnect supervision in telephony describe Line signaling between the telephone exchange and a connected party used to
Kaynak: Disconnect supervision
Parental supervision is a parenting technique that involves looking after, or monitoring a child's activities. Young child ren are
Kaynak: Parental supervision
Process supervision is a form of operating system service management in which some master process remains the parent of the service
Kaynak: Process supervision

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