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supervisor ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

supervisor anlamı
1) gözetmen
2) yönetici
3) danışman
4) supervisor
5) şef
6) denetmen
7) müdür
8) müfettiş

"supervisor" için örnek kullanımlar

Layman accused a supervisor of repeatedly filling his shoes with sand.
Layman sürekli kum ile onun ayakkabıları doldurmak bir gözetmen suçladı.
Kaynak: presstelegram.com
Rochester Township: Elected Brian Mueller as supervisor with 25 votes.
Rochester Township: 25 oy süpervizör olarak Brian Mueller Seçildi.
Kaynak: postbulletin.com
Dr. John George, an LSU system supervisor, will be one of the key negotiators.
Dr John, George bir LSU Sistem danışmanı, anahtar müzakereciler biri olacaktır.
Kaynak: shreveporttimes.com
The report examines plans by the EU to create a single supervisor for its banks.
Rapor, bankalar için tek bir gözetmen oluşturmak için AB tarafından planlarını inceler.
Kaynak: thespec.com
A supervisor, foreperson, overseer, cell coach, facilitator, or area coordinator is a manager in a position of trust in business The US
Kaynak: Supervisor
A doctoral advisor (also dissertation director or dissertation advisor, and known in British English as a doctoral supervisor) is an
Kaynak: Doctoral advisor
It is now universally recognized that Jocelyn Bell's supervisor and head of department "won the Nobel prize for Physics for a discovery
Kaynak: Antony Hewish
The diving supervisor is the professional diving team member who is directly responsible for the diving operation's safety and the
Kaynak: Diving supervisor
A supervisory program or supervisor is a computer program , usually part of an operating system , that controls the execution of other
Kaynak: Supervisory program
A music supervisor is an individual who combines music and visual media. In the musical theatre industry, a music supervisor is often
Kaynak: Music supervisor

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