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sycophancy ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

sycophancy anlamı
1) dalkavukluk
2) yağcılık

"sycophancy" için örnek kullanımlar

Sycophancy and prurience perform a contorted dance around figures of no proven worth or talent.
Dalkavukluk ve şehvetlilik kanıtlanmış değer ya da yetenek rakamlar etrafında çarpılmış dansları.
Kaynak: ft.com
It is a typical Stalinist Bureaucracy where sycophancy upwards is matched by contempt downwards.
Bu dalkavukluk yukarı hor aşağı tarafından eşleştirilir tipik bir Stalinist bürokrasi olduğunu.
Kaynak: blogs.spectator.co.uk
That was why Dora Akunyili had to say it when the rest kept quiet in dubious sycophancy and hypocrisy.
Kalanı şüpheli dalkavukluk ve ikiyüzlülük sessiz tutulduğunda Dora Akunyili söylemek zorunda bu yüzden oldu.
Kaynak: spyghana.com
The British writer Humphrey Slater noted that it was "as if Stalin simultaneously demanded and hated the sycophancy of absolute obedience".
İngiliz yazar Humphrey Slater "Stalin aynı anda talep ve mutlak itaat dalkavukluk nefret sanki" bu olduğunu kaydetti.
Kaynak: independent.ie
He is most remembered for his infamous saying that "Indira is India and India is Indira", which most considered sycophancy and undue
Kaynak: Dev Kant Baruah
to Secretary-General, in which post he would occasionally dispel "the atmosphere of total sycophancy" with his "fractionally independent
Kaynak: Fikre Selassie Wogderess
to the point where critics accused him of sycophancy, and he even compared Franco to Fernán González of Castile due to El Caudillo
Kaynak: José Ibáñez Martín
guitarist Steve Hackett is based on the legend of King Canute , who supposedly ordered the seas to retreat to mock the sycophancy of his followers.
Kaynak: Can-Utility and the Coastliners
Order of the Brown Nose , a fake honour awarded by Private Eye magazine for published examples of sycophancy Televizija OBN , a terrestrial
Kaynak: OBN
recorded by famous historians; and fine intellects were not wanting to describe the times of Augustus, till growing sycophancy scared them away.
Kaynak: Julio-Claudian dynasty
(Capitol Insurance PLC) where the trivial day-to-day events take place in an eerie atmosphere oscillating between bullying and sycophancy .
Kaynak: Stromberg (TV series)
accommodation and acceptance of his "unctuous sycophancy ," which prompted Washington to characterize him as "simply toadying to White people
Kaynak: William Hooper Councill
but they also showed sycophancy Many priests collaborated with the secret police, the Securitate , giving it information they received
Kaynak: Orthodox Church in Communist Romania
com/just-people/2009/06/16/ban-flowers-end-sycophancy/ Ban flowers, end sycophancy - Hindustan Times. NAME Mirdha, Jyoti | ALTERNATIVE NAMES
Kaynak: Jyoti Mirdha
This was a devastating image aimed at the ridiculous sycophancy directed by the press towards Frederica Charlotte Ulrica, Duchess of York
Kaynak: James Gillray
However, such noble aspiration is beclouded and usurped by sycophancy and sycophantic reporting. This development denies the public the
Kaynak: Journalism
Rift had completed a transition from "Zappa sycophancy " to "a conceptual continuity of his very own Keyboard Magazine , in a special "
Kaynak: Zoogz Rift
was published by Utusan Malaysia , a newspaper notorious for its unquestioning sycophancy with Malaysia's ruling Barisan Nasional government.
Kaynak: Zainuddin bin Maidin

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