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syllabication ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"syllabication" için örnek kullanımlar

or syllabication. (s | ɨ | ˈ | l | æ | b | ɨ | ˈ | k | eɪ | ʃ | ə | n si | LAB | i | KAY | shən is the separation of a word into syllable s,
Kaynak: Syllabification
"In the modern Tagalog syllabication:"Katitibay ka Tulos Sakaling datnang agos! Ako'y mumunting lumot sa iyo'y pupulupot." "Translation:"Oh
Kaynak: Tanaga
Respelling: to indicate stress or syllabication. "Diarrhea" is pronounced DYE-uh- REE-a. This offers a sometimes intuitive alternative to
Kaynak: Pronunciation respelling
syllabication | ka-in | ka-in | ta-wag | ta-wag | conjugated | k-um-a-ka-in | na-ka-in | t-um-a-ta-wag | na-ta-wag | written variant |
Kaynak: Batangas Tagalog
Lesson 26: Teaches the use of prefixes and the complete rules of syllabication. Lesson 27: Reviews material from lessons 18 - 26, teaches
Kaynak: Smart Way Reading and Spelling
If the two series con-tain, de-tain, re-tain / con-ceive, de-ceive, re-ceive, through mere syllabication and arbitrary division of sound
Kaynak: English prefixes
offsprings - letters of the Armenian language, and then and there quickly designed, named,determined, their order and devised the syllabication."
Kaynak: Petros Shoujounian

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