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syllabification ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"syllabification" için örnek kullanımlar

Syllabification: Syllabification. Syllabification is the separation of a word into syllables, whether spoken or written. of syllabification in
Kaynak: Syllable
Syllabification , the splitting of words in smaller units (usually to achieve good line breaks in printed texts) doing automatic syllabification
Kaynak: Hyphenation
Syllabification and spelling: Hyphens are occasionally used to denote syllabification , as in syl-la-bi-fi-ca-tion. Most British and North
Kaynak: Hyphen
Furthermore, in standard syllabification , the letter under which a shva na is marked is grouped with the following syllable.
Kaynak: Shva
One school of thought states that the dalit is Spanish in origin, particularly because its syllabification is even or pares.
Kaynak: Dalit (poem)
There are contemporary corrections in slanting uncial script which employ a Greek syllabification similar to that used by Victor of Capua
Kaynak: Harley 1775
Various dictionaries often use the interpunct (in this context, sometimes called hyphenation point) to indicate syllabification within a
Kaynak: Interpunct
Syllabification and collation: Portuguese syllabification rules require a syllable break between double letters cc, cç, mm, nn, rr, ss, or
Kaynak: Portuguese orthography
South Asia : The syllabification of gaambar must be gaa. mbar then, and the syllabification of sambal sam. bal. Oceania : An example of the
Kaynak: Prenasalized consonant
śros), but Edgerton noted that śiras occurred 100% of the time in the environments where his theory called for the syllabification of the r.
Kaynak: Sievers' law
t-fk-t stt 'you gave it') Shilha poses a difficulty regarding syllabification. Some regard all consonants as possible nuclei, while
Kaynak: Shilha language
Prior to the German spelling reform of 1996 , it was replaced by ⟨k-k⟩ for syllabification. allow only syllabification of the ⟨ck⟩ as a whole
Kaynak: List of Latin-script digraphs
The role of the sonority cycle in core syllabification. In J. Kingston and M. E. Beckman (eds.) Papers in Laboratory Phonology I: Between
Kaynak: Sonority Sequencing Principle
surname Steriade | given Donca | year 1982 | title Greek prosodies and the nature of syllabification. PhD dissertation, MIT.
Kaynak: Obligatory Contour Principle
Other publications : Cyclic syllabification in Mongolian'. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 13: 755-66. Svantesson, Jan-Olof 1996. '
Kaynak: Jan-Olof Svantesson

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