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syllable ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

syllable anlamı
1) hece
2) nota
3) seslem
1) hecelemek

"syllable" için örnek kullanımlar

Berk laughs, coughs, utters a syllable that could be either yes or no.
Berk gülüyor, öksürük, satanlara evet yada hayır olabilir bir hece.
Kaynak: mg.co.za
Toujours Béliveau, like the last syllable of a romantic poem.
Toujours Beliveau, romantik bir şiir son hecesi gibi.
Kaynak: grantland.com
Taking Brown's words in context, there is little reason to refute a single syllable.
Bağlamda Brown'ın sözcüklerini alarak, tek bir hece çürütmek için küçük bir sebep vardır.
Kaynak: behindthesteelcurtain.com
There is not a syllable of exaggeration in saying the Warriors are desperate for a win.
Warriors kazanmak için umutsuz söyleyerek abartı bir hece yoktur.
Kaynak: tvnz.co.nz
A syllable is a unit of organization for a sequence of speech sounds. For example, the word water is composed of two syllables: wa and
Kaynak: Syllable
A syllabary is a set of written symbols that represent the syllable s or (more frequently) mora s which make up word s. or V syllable—but
Kaynak: Syllabary
Syllable timing: In a syllable-timed language, every syllable is perceived as taking up roughly the same amount of time, though the absolute
Kaynak: Isochrony
Ablatives in singular and plural may be extended by the syllable -tas; thus mat or mattas, asmat or asmattas. | First Person Second
Kaynak: Sanskrit grammar
In linguistics , syllable weight is the concept that syllables pattern together according to the number and/or duration of segment s in the
Kaynak: Syllable weight
In linguistics , stress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllable s in a word, or to certain words in a phrase or
Kaynak: Stress (linguistics)
Minor syllable is a term used primarily in the description of Mon-Khmer languages , where a word typically consists of a reduced (minor)
Kaynak: Minor syllable
Many words are differentiated solely by tone, and each syllable in a multisyllabic word often carries its own tone. Moreover, tone plays
Kaynak: Tone (linguistics)
Syllable stress of botanical names -varies with the language spoken by the person using the botanical name. Latin places syllable stress for
Kaynak: Syllable stress of Botanical Latin
In linguistics , open syllable lengthening is the process by which short vowels become long when in an open syllable . It occurs in many
Kaynak: Open syllable lengthening
Accent is the phonetic prominence given to a particular syllable in a word, or to a particular word within a phrase . , syllable or vowel
Kaynak: Accent (phonetics)
A one-syllable article. (c 同音文章 | p Tóngyīn wénzhāng is a type of constrained writing found in Chinese literature . They take advantage of
Kaynak: One syllable article
Mora (plural moras or morae) is a unit in phonology that determines syllable weight , which in some languages determines stress or timing
Kaynak: Mora (linguistics)
Feminine ending, in grammatical gender , is a term that refers to the final syllable or suffixed letters that mark words as feminine.
Kaynak: Feminine ending

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