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tax-deductible ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

tax-deductible anlamı
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"tax-deductible" için örnek kullanımlar

The Dove Foundation is a twenty-year-old IRS-designated United States tax-deductible non-profit organization based in Grand Rapids,
Kaynak: The Dove Foundation
Under U.S. Federal income tax law , a net operating loss (NOL) occurs when certain tax-deductible expenses exceed taxable revenues for a
Kaynak: Net operating loss
also known as DMS, is a U. S. registered tax-deductible 503 (c) (3) non-profit organization located in Wilmington, Delaware , USA.
Kaynak: Delaware Mineralogical Society
The Oprah Winfrey Foundation formally The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation is a tax-deductible charity with total assets of US$
Kaynak: Oprah Winfrey Foundation
organization of affiliated groups such as the tax-deductible NRA Foundation and a lobbying group, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA).
Kaynak: National Rifle Association
Donations from listeners and viewers, often tax-deductible , are solicited by some broadcasters. In some countries, particularly those with
Kaynak: Religious broadcasting
over 1,600 evangelical Christian organizations which qualify for tax-exempt , nonprofit status and receive tax-deductible contributions.
Kaynak: Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability
"My profits will be divided between a number of tax-deductible charities and causes, some church-related, others for conservation and
Kaynak: Newman's Own
Funding comes from tax-deductible donations from the public as well as government grants for particular purposes, such as from the
Kaynak: Australian Wildlife Conservancy
York-based secular and pluralistic Jewish environmental organization that is a U.S.-registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductible nonprofit charity .
Kaynak: Green Zionist Alliance
Contributions are not tax-deductible, and earnings and growth accrue on a tax-deferred basis. Anyone can contribute. contributions grow tax-
Kaynak: Registered Disability Savings Plan
All donations to Freedom from Hunger are fully tax-deductible. History: First known as Meals for Millions, the organization that developed and
Kaynak: Freedom from Hunger
but receipts for tax-deductible purchases by an individual taxpayer usually have a three-year retention period (and can often be safely
Kaynak: Retention period
For example, because interest on debt is a tax-deductible expense, taking on debt creates a tax shield. Since a tax shield is a way to
Kaynak: Tax shield

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