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tax-free ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

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"tax-free" için örnek kullanımlar

Moreover, international duty free shopping may be termed "tax-free shopping". In tax-free shopping, the goods are permanently taken
Kaynak: Tax exemption
The passenger can either consume them on board, or import them tax-free into the country they are traveling to, so long as they are within
Kaynak: Duty-free shop
A cash deposit that is similar to any other ordinary savings account, apart from the tax-free status. A cash ISA can also hold a
Kaynak: Individual Savings Account
Investments held in an RRIF can continue to grow tax-free indefinitely, though an obligatory minimum RRIF withdrawal amount is cashed out
Kaynak: Registered Retirement Savings Plan
Thus, with the tax-free principal contribution available for withdrawal, CESG, and nearly-tax-free interest, the student will have a good
Kaynak: Registered Education Savings Plan
In New York, a statewide sales tax holiday was first enacted by the New York Legislature in 1996 and enabled the first tax-free week in
Kaynak: Tax holiday
Inherited Roth IRAs Transfers of Roth IRAs between spouses when one spouse dies, just like other IRAs, are tax-free and the spousal
Kaynak: Roth IRA
As of 2011-12 fiscal, investments worth over US$ 36.5 billion(INR 2.02 Trillion) have been made in these tax-free enclaves. Exports of
Kaynak: Special economic zone
selling less than R$ 20.000 (Brazilian Reais) within a month (and not operating in day trading), the financial operation is considering tax-free.
Kaynak: Capital gains tax
twofour54 is a tax-free media and entertainment free zone based in Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates that facilitates the development of
Kaynak: Twofour54
A Private health services plan (PHSP) is a Canadian tax-free vehicle for financing the healthcare costs of employees. They are similar to
Kaynak: Private health services plan
PC Conectado, or Computador para Todos, is a tax-free computer initiative launched by the Brazil ian government, since 2003. PCs available
Kaynak: PC Conectado

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