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terminology ne demek?

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terminology anlamı
1) terminoloji
2) terimler

"terminology" için örnek kullanımlar

If you have any brainstorms about terminology, I would love to hear from you.
Eğer terminoloji hakkında herhangi bir beyin fırtınaları varsa, senden duymak isteriz.
Kaynak: npr.org
"Loyalty is only a terminology these days," said Motley "Not a fact".
"Sadakat sadece bir terminoloji bu gün," Motley "Değil bir gerçektir" dedi.
Kaynak: au.news.yahoo.com
Oilprice.com: We see a lot of confusion among readers over the terminology here.
Oilprice.com: Biz terminolojiyi burada okuyucuları arasında karışıklık bir sürü bakın.
Kaynak: csmonitor.com
the rich history and traditions, or the terminology that stems from other cultures.
zengin tarihi ve gelenekleri, ya da diğer kültürlerden kaynaklanıyor terminoloji.
Kaynak: columbusalive.com
An actor (alternatively actress for a female; see terminology ) is a person who acts in a drama tic or comic production and works in
Kaynak: Actor
Hadith terminology (Arabic : muṣṭalaḥ al-ḥadīth; مُصْطَلَحُ الحَدِيْث) is the body of terminology which specify the acceptability of the
Kaynak: Hadith terminology
Technical terminology is the specialized vocabulary of any field, not just technical fields. The same is true of the synonyms technical
Kaynak: Technical terminology
This is a general glossary of the Category:cricket terminology | terminology used in the sport of cricket . Where words in a sentence are
Kaynak: Glossary of cricket terms
Kinship terminology refers to the various systems used in language s to refer to the persons to whom an individual is related through
Kaynak: Kinship terminology
A number of Latin terms are used in legal terminology and legal maxim s. This is a partial list of these "legal Latin" terms, which are
Kaynak: List of legal Latin terms
Inter county : Inter county, sometimes inter-county is Gaelic Athletic Association terminology which refers to competitions or matches
Kaynak: Glossary of Gaelic games terms
Therefore, both the typical practitioners of nanshoku and the young men they desired would be considered bisexual in modern terminology
Kaynak: Homosexuality in Japan
interpretation of the inner product in terms of angle and length, motivates much of the geometric terminology we use in regard to these spaces.
Kaynak: Inner product space
A terminology can be defined as a set of designations in a subject field. A simple example could be a list of words describing a category
Kaynak: Terminology (artifact)

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