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terminus ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

terminus anlamı
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2) erek
3) gar
4) amaç
5) hedef

"terminus" için örnek kullanımlar

Katahdin, the state's highest peak and terminus of the Appalachian Trail.
Katahdin, Appalachian Trail devletin en yüksek tepe ve terminus.
Kaynak: hcn.org
It is the oldest surviving purpose built railway terminus and closed in 1965.
Bu en eski inşa amacı demiryolu uçtur ve 1965 yılında kapandı.
Kaynak: insidermedia.com
The new terminus is equipped to handle 30 million passengers a year.
Yeni terminali 30 milyon yolcu yıllık işlemek için donatılmıştır.
Kaynak: business-standard.com
Onstage this week: Vancouver International Dance Festival, The Magic Flute and Terminus.
Sahnede bu hafta: Vancouver Uluslararası Dans Festivali, Sihirli Flüt ve Terminus.
Kaynak: vancouversun.com
The initial route was to run southward from Chattanooga to a terminus east of the Chattahoochee River , which would then be linked Savannah.
Kaynak: Atlanta
A glacier terminus, or snout, is the end of a glacier at any given point in time. glacier terminus is always either advancing or retreating.
Kaynak: Glacier terminus
A bus terminus is a designated place where a bus or coach starts or ends its scheduled route. The terminus is the designated place that
Kaynak: Bus terminus
Sometimes, particularly in the context of modern freight terminal s, the word is used to denote a terminus of a railway line, especially
Kaynak: Railhead
terminusid 9&LangType 1033 Côte-Vertu Terminus Côte-Vertu is an AMT bus terminus partly north and partly south of the Côte-Vertu Metro
Kaynak: Terminus Côte-Vertu (AMT)
Terminus (1987) is a futuristic action film directed by Pierre-William Glenn . an established terminus and not be stopped by other vehicles.
Kaynak: Terminus (1987 film)

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