Sözce'de sorgulama yapmak için bir kelime girin

tolerate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

tolerate anlamı
1) katlanmak
2) dayanmak
3) hoşgörmek
4) göz yummak
5) müsamaha etmek
6) tahammül etmek
7) hazmetmek

"tolerate" için örnek kullanımlar

Then, plant some ground covers or perennials that can tolerate rocky soil.
Sonra, bazı zemin kapak veya kayalık toprak tolere edebilir uzun ömürlü bitki.
Kaynak: sacbee.com
But the network apparently wouldn't tolerate any criticism from within.
Ama ağ görünüşe içinde herhangi bir eleştiriye tahammül etmem.
Kaynak: inquisitr.com
Now we have to tolerate her on Loose Women, I'm afraid I have to switch off.
Şimdi Loose Women onu katlanmak zorunda, ben kapatmak zorunda korkuyorum.
Kaynak: uk.tv.yahoo.com
RAY Trew says he won't tolerate anyone not giving their all for Notts County.
RAY Trew kimsenin Notts County için onların tüm vermiyorum tolere etmeyeceğini söyledi.
Kaynak: thisisnottingham.co.uk
In ecology , shade tolerance is a plant 's abilities to tolerate low light levels. The term is also used in horticulture and landscaping
Kaynak: Shade tolerance
A calcifuge is a plant that does not tolerate alkaline (basic) soil The word is derived from the Latin 'to flee from chalk'.
Kaynak: Calcifuge
Thermus aquaticus is a species of bacterium that can tolerate high temperatures, one of several thermophilic bacteria that belong to the
Kaynak: Thermus aquaticus
Poikilohydry is the capacity to tolerate dehydration to low cell or tissue water content and to recover from it without physiological damage
Kaynak: Poikilohydry
A metallophyte is a plant that can tolerate high levels of heavy metal s such as lead . which can tolerate such conditions but are not
Kaynak: Metallophyte
Pain tolerance is the maximum level of pain that a person is able to tolerate Pain tolerance is distinct from pain threshold (the point at
Kaynak: Pain tolerance

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