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toleration ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

toleration anlamı
1) hoşgörü
2) tolerans
3) müsaade
4) izin

"toleration" için örnek kullanımlar

But toleration for austerity is unlikely to last much beyond then.
Fakat kemer sıkma için hoşgörünün çok sonra ötesine geçen pek mümkün değildir.
Kaynak: businessspectator.com.au
Most important, he is a longstanding critic of the BoJ's toleration of deflation.
En önemlisi, o deflasyon BoJ en hoşgörünün uzun süredir eleştirmeni.
Kaynak: ft.com
Toleration, of course, has its limits, I want you to cry out against injustice and cruelty.
Hoşgörü, tabii ki, kendi sınırları var, sana haksızlık ve zulüm karşı haykırmak istiyorum.
Kaynak: queerty.com
Pluralist societies, Grayling insists in The God Argument, are founded on the humanist ideal of toleration.
Çoğulcu toplumlarda, Grayling Tanrı Argument konusunda ısrar ediyor, hoşgörü hümanist ideal üzerine kurulmuştur.
Kaynak: ft.com
In the context of the law of the Netherlands , the term gedogen (toleration ) refers to not enforcing certain laws. The Dutch government
Kaynak: Gedogen
An edict of toleration is a declaration made by a government or ruler and states that members of a given religion will not be persecuted
Kaynak: Edict of toleration
Tolerance or toleration a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc
Kaynak: Tolerance
on Persecution of Christians and the History of persecutions by Christians , and more generically on religious persecution and toleration .
Kaynak: History of Christian thought on persecution and tolerance
Although Maryland was an early pioneer of religious toleration in the English colonies , religious strife among Anglicans , Puritans ,
Kaynak: Province of Maryland
Marisa Linton argues that while the philosophes did contribute to some extent to the rise of French toleration, the activities of French
Kaynak: Atheism in the Age of the Enlightenment

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