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totalitarian ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

totalitarian anlamı
1) totaliter
2) bütüncül
3) tek partili rejimle ilgili

"totalitarian" için örnek kullanımlar

Weiwei is smart, wily, determined and a threat to their totalitarian rule.
Weiwei, akıllı kurnaz, kararlı ve kendi totaliter kural için bir tehdittir.
Kaynak: tallahassee.com
China is a Communist country with a totalitarian rule upon it's people.
Çin'in bu insanlar üzerine bir totaliter yönetime sahip bir komünist ülkedir.
Kaynak: news.cnet.com
That's right, there is to be no whining in Mick's totalitarian world!
Doğru, hiçbir Mick totaliter dünya sızlanan olmak var!
Kaynak: leftfootforward.org
Confronted by such righteous indignation, what totalitarian minion had a chance?
Böyle haklı bir öfke ile karşı karşıya, ne totaliter minion bir şansı vardı?
Kaynak: online.wsj.com
Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control
Kaynak: Totalitarianism
Totalitarian communist regimes have been criticized for their one-party dictatorships, totalitarian control of the economy and society
Kaynak: Communist state
Totalitarian architecture refers to the type of architecture created by totalitarian states It is typically designed to be imposing and
Kaynak: Totalitarian architecture
The New Totalitarians is a 1971 book by British author Roland Huntford . it resembles a benevolent totalitarian state in the mould of
Kaynak: The New Totalitarians
Nazi Germany, also known as the Third Reich, is the common name for Germany when it was a totalitarian state ruled by Adolf Hitler and
Kaynak: Nazi Germany
"totalitarian agriculture," the style of agriculture whereby its practitioners destroy all competition and assume all resources are made
Kaynak: The Story of B
Masonic scholar Paul Bessel has noted that the language used by modern totalitarian regimes is similar to that used by some other modern
Kaynak: Suppression of Freemasonry

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