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totality ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

totality anlamı
1) bütünlük
2) bütün
3) Tam tutulma
4) tüm

"totality" için örnek kullanımlar

"I just want to emphasize that we've looked at the totality of evidence."
"Ben sadece biz kanıtların bütünü baktım olduğunu vurgulamak istiyorum."
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
What if the universe, the totality of existence, isn't actually everything?
Ya evrenin, varoluşun bütünü, aslında her şey değil mi?
Kaynak: tristatesradio.com
"You look at the totality of the evidence, and right now it's rather mixed."
"Sen kanıtlar bütünü bakmak ve şu anda oldukça karışık var."
Kaynak: npr.org
In totality Fad Diet is also the culprit for your sudden weight gain.
Bütünsellik Fad Diyet ayrıca ani kilo alımı için suçlu.
Kaynak: hivehealthmedia.com
Final totality: Solar eclipses are seen on Earth because of a fortuitous combination of circumstances. Even on Earth, eclipses of the type
Kaynak: Solar eclipse
This occurs, for example, during an eclipse of the Moon by the Earth—producing a faint, ruddy illumination of the Moon even at totality.
Kaynak: Eclipse
The Universe is commonly defined as the totality of existence including planet s, star s, galaxies , the contents of intergalactic space ,
Kaynak: Universe
In psychology, the psyche (icon | ˈ | s | aɪ | k | iː) is the totality of the human mind, conscious , and unconscious . Psychology is the
Kaynak: Psyche (psychology)
The energy industry is the totality of all of the industries involved in the production and sale of energy , including fuel extraction,
Kaynak: Energy industry
generally refers to the totality of divine powers. The word means fullness from grc | πληρόω ("I fill") comparable to πλήρης which means
Kaynak: Pleroma
The past is a term used to indicate the totality of events which occurred before a given point in time. The past is contrasted with and
Kaynak: Past

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