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transcription ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

transcription anlamı
1) transkripsiyon
2) kopya
3) kayıt
4) uyarlama
5) kaydetme

"transcription" için örnek kullanımlar

Below is a partial transcription of Bass's comments at the University of Chicago.
Aşağıda Chicago Üniversitesi'nde Bas adlı bir kısmi transkripsiyon.
Kaynak: businessinsider.com
The following is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Aşağıdaki görüşme yaklaşık bir transkripsiyon.
Kaynak: presstv.ir
Interplay among cell's nuclear receptors affects transcription.
Hücre nükleer reseptörler arası etkileşim transkripsiyon etkiler.
Kaynak: bcm.edu
She has been employed in the medical transcription business for almost 40 years now.
Artık neredeyse 40 yıldır tıbbi transkripsiyon iş istihdam edilmiştir.
Kaynak: broadwayworld.com
In molecular biology and genetics , a transcription factor (sometimes called a sequence-specific DNA -binding factor) is a protein that
Kaynak: Transcription factor
In music , transcription can mean notating a piece or a sound which was previously unnotated, as, for example, an improvised jazz solo.
Kaynak: Transcription (music)
Phonetic transcription (or phonetic notation) is the visual representation of speech sounds (or phones ). of phonetic transcription uses a
Kaynak: Phonetic transcription
Following transcription of mRNA by RNA polymerase , the mRNA is translated into a polymer of amino acids : a protein, as summarized in
Kaynak: Messenger RNA
Transcriptional regulation is the change in gene expression levels by altering transcription rates. Regulation of transcription
Kaynak: Transcriptional regulation
The SASM/GNC/SRC romanization of Tibetan, commonly known as Tibetan pinyin, is the official transcription system for the Tibetan language
Kaynak: Tibetan pinyin
Medical transcription, also known as MT, is an allied health profession , which deals in the process of transcription , or converting
Kaynak: Medical transcription
In Chinese , transcription is known as yīnyì (t 音譯 | s 音译) or yìmíng (t 譯名 | s 译名). While it is common to see foreign names left in
Kaynak: Transcription into Chinese characters
A transcription disc is a special phonograph record intended for, or recorded from, a radio broadcast. a broadcast transcription or radio
Kaynak: Transcription disc
Electrical transcription discs: Image:War of the Worlds ET. War of the Worlds radio broadcast by Orson Welles on electrical transcription disc.
Kaynak: Old-time radio
A transcription service is a business which converts speech (either live or recorded) into a written or electronic text document.
Kaynak: Transcription (service)
Transcription software assists in the conversion of human speech into a text transcript. The primary meaning of the term "transcription
Kaynak: Transcription (software)

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