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transgression ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

transgression anlamı
1) günah
2) ihlal
3) suç
4) sınırı aşma

"transgression" için örnek kullanımlar

If the truth comes out, that transgression could tear his marriage apart.
Gerçeği ortaya çıkarsa, bu günah dışında Evlendikten gözyaşı olabilir.
Kaynak: buddytv.com
You were talking about taboos and violation and language as transgression.
Sen tabular ve ihlali ve günah olarak dil hakkında konuşuyorduk.
Kaynak: salon.com
A click of oppression and transgression on woman was also brought into light.
Kadın üzerinde baskı ve günah bir tıklama da ışık haline getirildi.
Kaynak: onlinenews.com.pk
Ogando's only real transgression on Wednesday was walking the leadoff hitter.
Çarşamba günü Ogando tek gerçek transgresyonu leadoff hitter yürüyordu.
Kaynak: texas.rangers.mlb.com
A marine transgression is a geologic event during which sea level rises relative to the land and the shoreline moves toward higher ground
Kaynak: Marine transgression
The Older Peron transgression was a period of unusually warm climate during the Holocene Epoch . It began in the 5000 BCE to 4900 BCE
Kaynak: Older Peron
The Littorina Sea was a period of transgression and maximum salinity during the warmer Atlantic period of European climatology.
Kaynak: Littorina Sea
The transgression is defined for general n. transgression H n(N, A)G/N → H n+1(G/N, A N. only if H i(N, A)G/N 0 for i ≤ n-1 The sequence for
Kaynak: Inflation-restriction exact sequence
society , passing the border between civilized/known/home world and natural/unknown world, transgression of social constrains and other things.
Kaynak: Mediation (magic)

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