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transient ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

transient anlamı
1) geçici
2) süreksiz
3) fani
4) geçerken uğrayan
1) geçici dalga
2) kısa süreli konuk

"transient" için örnek kullanımlar

I think the hotel is saying, look, our customers are transient anyway.
Ben otel bakmak, söylediğini düşünüyorum, müşterilerimiz zaten geçicidir.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
However, cases of transient dyspnea were more in the cangrelor arm.
Ancak, geçici dispne durumlarında cangrelor kolunda daha vardı.
Kaynak: zacks.com
Both steady and transient state energy releases can be calculated.
Sürekli ve geçici Hem devlet enerji bültenleri hesaplanabilir.
Kaynak: azom.com
Transient changes in the surgeon's ECG were occasionally recorded.
Cerrahın EKG Geçici değişiklikler bazen kaydedildi.
Kaynak: scmp.com
Transience or transient may also refer to: Transient (acoustics) Transient (civil engineering) Transient (computer programming)
Kaynak: Transience
A transient event is a short-lived burst of energy in a system caused by a sudden change of state. The source of the transient energy may be
Kaynak: Transient (oscillation)
In acoustics and audio , a transient is a high amplitude, short-duration sound at the beginning of a waveform that occurs in phenomena
Kaynak: Transient (acoustics)
Other terms which some use regarding in-transit persons are: transient, vagabond , tramp or "railroad tramp". Occasionally these terms
Kaynak: Homelessness
In chemical engineering , a system is said to be in transient state when a process variable has been changed and the system has not yet
Kaynak: Transient state
A transient astronomical event, often simply called in context by astronomers a transient, is an astronomical object or phenomenon which
Kaynak: Transient astronomical event
The transient nature of their work often prevents them from establishing any local residency, excluding them from benefits such as
Kaynak: Migrant worker
These were referred to as the “logical transient area,” and the “physical transient area.” transients that supported printing were brought
Kaynak: Transient (computer programming)
A state i is said to be transient if, given that we start in state i, there is a non-zero probability that we will never return to i.
Kaynak: Markov chain
In civil engineering , a transient is used to refer to any pressure wave that is short lived (i.e. not static pressure or pressure
Kaynak: Transient (civil engineering)
A transient screen is a pop-up screen such as a notification or dialog screen on a mobile phone . It covers only part of the screen as well
Kaynak: Transient screen
A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a transient episode of neurologic dysfunction caused by ischemia (loss of blood flow) – either focal
Kaynak: Transient ischemic attack
A transient lunar phenomenon (TLP), or lunar transient phenomenon (LTP), is a short-lived light, color, or change in appearance on the
Kaynak: Transient lunar phenomenon
In electrical engineering and mechanical engineering , a transient response or natural response is the response of a system to a change
Kaynak: Transient response

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