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tribunal ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

tribunal anlamı
1) mahkeme
2) yargıç kürsüsü
3) hakim makamı

"tribunal" için örnek kullanımlar

And this is not exactly the sort of issue you can appeal against in a tribunal.
Ve bu tam olarak bir mahkemede itiraz edebilirim sorunu tür değildir.
Kaynak: newstatesman.com
The tribunal went on to say that Hinduism was neither a religion nor a community.
Mahkemesi Hinduizm bir din ne de bir topluluk ne olduğunu söylemek için gitti.
Kaynak: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
That was the high point from her account at a tribunal hearing in London last week.
İşte geçen hafta Londra'da işitme mahkemesi onu hesaptan yüksek noktası olmuştur.
Kaynak: thisiskent.co.uk
A tribunal will now decide if his fitness to practice is impaired as a result of misconduct.
Avukatlık spor suiistimal sonucu bozulmuş ise bir mahkeme şimdi karar verecektir.
Kaynak: bbc.co.uk
A tribunal in the general sense is any person or institution with the authority to judge , adjudicate on, or determine claims or
Kaynak: Tribunal
Employment Tribunals are tribunal non-departmental public bodies in England and Wales and Scotland which have statutory jurisdiction
Kaynak: Employment Tribunal
A court is a tribunal , often a government al institution , with the authority to adjudicate legal dispute s between parties and carry
Kaynak: Court
The AFL Tribunal is the disciplinary tribunal of the Australian Football League (an Australian rules football competition).
Kaynak: AFL Tribunal
The International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) is a war crimes tribunal in Bangladesh set up in 2009 to investigate and prosecute suspects for the
Kaynak: International Crimes Tribunal (Bangladesh)
The tribunal system of the United Kingdom is part of the national system of administrative justice with tribunals classed as non-
Kaynak: Tribunals in the United Kingdom
This tribunal in canon law is called the tribunal of first instance. The bishop of the church possesses the power to judge for his church
Kaynak: Ecclesiastical court
All are fiction al characters and can be generally divided by whether they are immortals, tribunal members, members of the Guard, or
Kaynak: List of Guardians of Time Trilogy characters

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