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tyrannic ne demek?

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"tyrannic" için örnek kullanımlar

in Montgomery Castle in 1277, as a metaphor to criticise the tyrannic Habsburg rule over Hungary after the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 .
Kaynak: The Bards of Wales
He did not succeed his father (died 309/308 BCE), allegedly because he was violent and tyrannic. His nephew Areus I became new king
Kaynak: Cleonymus of Sparta
but not long ago, the kingdom was overthrown by the tyrannic and pompous King Thorax, leader of an evil clan of fire ants , as well as
Kaynak: Bugdom
an Italian politician and humanist from Rome , known as the leader of a rebellion against Pope Nicholas V and the tyrannic Papal authority .
Kaynak: Stefano Porcari
It describes the geography, culture in brief and the then hardships faced by the Kashmiri people under the tyrannic rule of Dogra s.
Kaynak: The Valley of Kashmir
In Islamic thinking, especially in the Shi'a school of thought, a social revolution is needed when any form of government is tyrannic and
Kaynak: Social revolution
Francis is distinguished for his bloody and tyrannic rule by which he repressed all the democratic movements appearing during his reign,
Kaynak: Francis IV, Duke of Modena
Another historian and then Director General of Nepal Government's Department of Archaeology has written that Jung Bahadur Rana's tyrannic
Kaynak: Lakhan Thapa
Gherardo was a tyrannic but efficient administrator in Treviso, and increased its economic importance. He was also a patron of feasts and
Kaynak: Gherardo III da Camino
Cansignorio plotted against his tyrannic rule and, after having him assassinated, could enter the city in 1359 with the help of the
Kaynak: Cansignorio della Scala
Tower base: "Dared to nobly stem tyrannic pride, | throw off the yoke of foreign oppression, and maintain the independence and nationality
Kaynak: Wallace's Monument, Ayrshire
Diwan Rao Gopal Rao under the Jamindar Gollapudi Maruthi Rao and his tyrannic daughter (Radhika in dual role) who thinks she has Blue Blood.
Kaynak: Shivudu Shivudu Shivudu
Is revealed within 9 years, the United Planets will fall apart under the villain tyrannic rule. Powers and abilities: Universo's primary power
Kaynak: Universo
to grant him a safe way of escape from the annexed eponymous castle in the event of a rebellion of the population against his tyrannic rule.
Kaynak: Castelvecchio Bridge
Shah Shuja proved to be a less of a tyrannic figure, but he was constantly fighting with his brothers, causing a long period of instability
Kaynak: Muzaffarids of Iran
Cosimo recommended that Florence was governed under Neroni's directive after his death, but the ineptitude and the tyrannic behaviour
Kaynak: Diotisalvi Neroni
Critic Hans Georg Lenz described Andersson's performance as: "A Boris of breathtaking strength and unrelenting appeal both in tyrannic
Kaynak: Frans Andersson

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