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tyrannical ne demek?

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"tyrannical" için örnek kullanımlar

Meet Ratonhnhaké:ton, the hero who will rise to fight the unjust and tyrannical King Washington.
Ton, haksız ve zalim Kral Washington mücadele artacak kahraman: Ratonhnhaké tanışın.
Kaynak: ausgamers.com
China is a tyrannical, autocratic nation and there is no democracy, human rights or freedom of speech.
Çin bir tiranlık, otokratik ulus ve hiçbir demokrasi, insan hakları ve konuşma özgürlüğü var.
Kaynak: washingtonpost.com
This special power is the newest skill our hero will use to take on the tyrannical King George Washington.
Bu özel güç bizim kahraman zalim Kral George Washington almak için kullanacağı yeni bir beceridir.
Kaynak: sohood.com
Incessant deadlines. Tyrannical editors.
Aralıksız tarihler. Zorba editörleri.
Kaynak: calgaryherald.com
The anti-tyrannical attitude became especially prevalent in Athens after 508 BC, when Cleisthenes reformed the political system so that
Kaynak: Tyrant
Catigern is a figure of Welsh tradition, said to be a son of Vortigern , the tyrannical King of the Britons , and the brother of Vortimer
Kaynak: Catigern
The Reverend James Boyer (1736–1814) was the tyrannical headmaster of Christ's Hospital from the years 1778 to 1799. These turbulent years
Kaynak: James Boyer
Dragon Lady is a phrase referring to a seductive, treacherous, domineering, and/or tyrannical woman, especially an Asian one.
Kaynak: Dragon Lady (disambiguation)
Teng Yin plotted the assassination of the tyrannical regent Zhuge Ke together with Sun Jun . Teng Yin was later promoted to Grand Marshal
Kaynak: Teng Yin
Scottish churches and the levying of taxes without parliamentary consent, because they saw them as those of a tyrannical, absolute monarch
Kaynak: Charles I of England
the tyrannical matriarch of the Falcon Crest Winery, alongside Robert Foxworth as Chase Gioberti, Angela's nephew who returns to Falcon
Kaynak: Falcon Crest
branch—an attempt to preserve individual liberty in response to tyrannical leadership throughout history The executive officer is not
Kaynak: Executive (government)
Gnostics have identified Saturn with the god of Early Scripture, whom they regarded as a tyrannical father, obsessed with rigid
Kaynak: Saturn (astrology)
She was known for her flamboyant personality and had a reputation for tyrannical behavior that earned her the nickname Queen of Mean.
Kaynak: Leona Helmsley
Throughout history, oligarchies have been tyrannical (relying on public servitude date February 2013 to exist) or relatively benign.
Kaynak: Oligarchy
McVeigh hoped to inspire a revolt against what he considered to be a tyrannical federal government. He was convicted of eleven federal
Kaynak: Timothy McVeigh
(1794) by William Godwin is a three-volume novel written as a call to end the abuse of power by what Godwin saw as a tyrannical government .
Kaynak: Things as They Are; or, The Adventures of Caleb Williams
He allied himself with Yuan Shu in 190 when warlords from eastern China formed a coalition to oust Dong Zhuo , a tyrannical warlord who
Kaynak: Sun Jian
adventures of a small-town waitress named DG who is pulled into a magical realm called the O.Z., ruled by the tyrannical sorceress Azkadellia.
Kaynak: Tin Man (TV miniseries)
typical image of him is a dashing black-clad masked outlaw who defends the people of the land against tyrannical officials and other villains.
Kaynak: Zorro

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