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tyranny ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

tyranny anlamı
1) zulüm
2) zorbalık
3) tiranlık
4) zorba yönetim

"tyranny" için örnek kullanımlar

In Contemporary Civilization, we learn about the tyranny of the majority.
Çağdaş Uygarlık, biz çoğunluğun zorbalığı öğrenirler.
Kaynak: columbiaspectator.com
Turns out, the aforementioned Tyranny of King Washington DLC is a trilogy.
Meğerse, Kral Washington DLC konusu Tyranny bir üçleme olduğunu.
Kaynak: guyism.com
At what point does healthy competition become confusion and the tyranny of choice?
Hangi noktada sağlıklı bir rekabet karışıklık ve seçim zulüm olur?
Kaynak: pcmag.com
Most young mothers have to work and this sort of tyranny makes their situation harder.
Çoğu genç anneler çalışmak zorunda ve zulüm bu tür durumları zorlaştırıyor.
Kaynak: heraldscotland.com
and sixth centuries BC, tyranny was often looked upon as an intermediate stage between narrow oligarchy and more democratic forms of polity .
Kaynak: Tyrant
Athenian tyranny | the tyrant s who ruled Athens in late 6th century BCE | Peisistratos This is a list of the eponymous archons of Athens .
Kaynak: Eponymous archon
Despotism can mean tyranny (dominance through threat of punishment and violence), or absolutism ; or dictatorship (a form of government
Kaynak: Dictatorship
The phrase "tyranny of the majority" (or "tyranny of the masses"), used in discussing systems of democracy and majority rule , envisions a
Kaynak: Tyranny of the majority
Outposts of tyranny was a term used in 2005 by United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and subsequently by others in the U.S.
Kaynak: Outposts of tyranny
Soft tyranny is an idea first coined by Alexis de Tocqueville in his 1835 work titled Democracy in America In effect, soft tyranny occurs
Kaynak: Soft tyranny

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