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tyrant ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

tyrant anlamı
1) tiran
2) despot
3) zalim hükümdar

"tyrant" için örnek kullanımlar

He said he is too lax with them, while they believe him to be a tyrant.
Kendisine bir zalim olduğuna inanıyorum ederken o, onlarla çok gevşek olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: examiner.com
He will now work on a pilot episode of new drama Tyrant for cable channel FX.
Şimdi kablo kanalı FX için yeni drama Tyrant bir pilot bölümü üzerinde çalışacak.
Kaynak: entertainmentwise.com
He will helm the pilot episode of a new series titled "Tyrant".
O "Tyrant" başlıklı yeni bir dizi dümen pilot bölüm olacak.
Kaynak: indiatoday.intoday.in
Ang Lee is moving into the TV business, directing the pilot of new FX drama Tyrant.
Ang Lee'nin yeni FX tiyatro Tyrant pilotu yönlendiren, TV iş içine taşınıyor.
Kaynak: uk.tv.yahoo.com
A tyrant (Greek. grc | τύραννος tyrannos), in its modern English usage, is a ruler of a cruel and oppressive character who is an absolute
Kaynak: Tyrant
Throughout much of its history as an independent city, it was governed by a succession of tyrant s, with only short periods of democracy
Kaynak: List of tyrants of Syracuse
This is a list of tyrant s from Ancient Greece . Agrigentum (Acragas): Phalaris , 570 BC-554 BC. Theron , 488 BC-472 BC. Atarneus
Kaynak: List of ancient Greek tyrants
walking into the desert — his time as the Fremen messiah had shown him that he was not strong enough to be messiah/tyrant to the universe.
Kaynak: Leto Atreides II
The tyrant flycatchers (Tyrannidae) are a clade of passerine birds which occur throughout North and South America . They are considered
Kaynak: Tyrant flycatcher
The ground tyrants (Muscisaxicola) are a genus of passerine bird s belonging to the tyrant flycatcher family Tyrannidae. There are
Kaynak: Ground tyrant
The tit-tyrants are a group of small, mainly Andean , tyrant flycatcher s in the genus Anairetes. It includes the genus Uromyias, which
Kaynak: Tit-Tyrant

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