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unattainable ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

unattainable anlamı
1) ulaşılamaz
2) erişilemez
3) elde edilemez
4) ele geçirilemez

"unattainable" için örnek kullanımlar

This notion may make you feel like a peaceful divorce is unattainable.
Bu kavram, huzurlu bir boşanma ulaşılamaz olduğunu gibi hissetmenize neden olabilir.
Kaynak: world.einnews.com
He showed at the county championship meet that his goal was not unattainable.
Onun hedefi ulaşılamaz değildi karşılamak ilçe şampiyonasında gösterdi.
Kaynak: capitalgazette.com
Prefer beautiful, totally unattainable things to realistic purchases?
Gerçekçi alımları için güzel, tamamen ulaşılamaz şeyler mi tercih ediyorsunuz?
Kaynak: gizmodo.com.au
Driving Character: The Aventador is utterly unattainable for almost everyone.
Karakter Sürüş: Aventador hemen hemen herkes için tamamen ulaşılamaz olduğunu.
Kaynak: popularmechanics.com
Dreams in Aspamia, an expression meaning unattainable dreams) is an Israel i magazine of science fiction and fantasy short stories.
Kaynak: Chalomot Be'aspamia
the additional option of a fallback voting procedure if consensus appears unattainable during the consensus-seeking phase of the deliberations.
Kaynak: Consensus-seeking decision-making
vanillin or coumarin , which allowed for the composition of perfumes with smells previously unattainable solely from natural aromatics alone.
Kaynak: Perfume
It has been referred to as “life's longings”; or an individual's search for happiness while coping with the reality of unattainable wishes
Kaynak: Sehnsucht
which makes that amount of wealth a goal for some, and almost unattainable for others In countries that use the short scale number naming
Kaynak: Millionaire
Giraudoux's dominant theme is the relationship between man and woman—or in some cases, between man and some unattainable ideal.
Kaynak: Jean Giraudoux
In its maladaptive form, perfectionism drives individuals to attempt to achieve an unattainable ideal, and their adaptive perfectionism
Kaynak: Perfectionism (psychology)
of as being in line with Utopia n ideals, Arcadia differs from that tradition in that it is more often specifically regarded as unattainable.
Kaynak: Arcadia (utopia)
on, winning three stages, but on Stage 6, Loeb extended his lead from 6.6 seconds to nearly 24 seconds, and from thereon became unattainable.
Kaynak: 2007 Monte Carlo Rally
The story is about a hero's love for three women, all of whom he loses; a hymn to unattainable, unrequited love. The story begins when a
Kaynak: Sylvie (novel)
Governments intend price ceilings to protect consumers from conditions that could make necessary commodities unattainable. However, a
Kaynak: Price ceiling
It features songs (many of them first releases and otherwise unattainable) from Tad , The Fluid , Nirvana , Steven Jesse Bernstein ,
Kaynak: Sub Pop 200
In both cases, specialization enables the accomplishment of otherwise unattainable goals. It also reduces the ability of individuals to
Kaynak: Specialization (functional)
However, some argue that Gödel's incompleteness theorems showed in 1931 that Hilbert's program was unattainable. In his first theorem,
Kaynak: Hilbert's program
with a justification and certainty heretofore unattainable The empirical validity of the Elliott Wave Principle remains the subject of debate.
Kaynak: Elliott wave principle
Franco's film is a surreal supernatural erotic thriller about unattainable love and how far one is willing to go for the person they
Kaynak: Venus in Furs (1969 film)
jump started the digital video and audio revolution, by enabling reliable data storage at information densities previously thought unattainable.
Kaynak: Kees Schouhamer Immink

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