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unattended ne demek?

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"unattended" için örnek kullanımlar

Investigators concluded the resident should not have been left unattended.
Müfettişler ikamet katılımsız sol oylandı olmamalıdır sonucuna varıldı.
Kaynak: ctpost.com
After reading the fine print, that deal is only for unattended children.
Ince baskı okuduktan sonra, bu anlaşma sadece katılımsız çocuklar içindir.
Kaynak: dailyiowan.com
subsequent murder of an infant who had been left unattended in the vehicle.
aracın içinde gözetimsiz kalmıştı bir bebeğin sonraki cinayet.
Kaynak: nzherald.co.nz
They run in families and if left unattended result in end organ damage.
Onlar hedef organ hasarı sol katılımsız sonucu ailelerde ve eğer çalıştırın.
Kaynak: sowetanlive.co.za
"Silent installation" is not the same as "unattended installation" (see below): All silent installations are unattended but not all
Kaynak: Installation (computer programs)
A job scheduler is a computer application for controlling unattended background program execution (commonly called batch processing
Kaynak: Job scheduler
A home birth in developed countries is an attended or an unattended childbirth in a non-clinical setting, typically using natural
Kaynak: Home birth
Treisman proposed attenuation theory as a means to explain how unattended stimuli sometimes came to be processed in a more rigorous manner
Kaynak: Attenuation theory
Nikolski Air Station IKO | PAKO | IKO is an unattended airport located in Nikolski on Umnak Island in the Aleutians West Census Area of
Kaynak: Nikolski Air Station
It was an unattended crossing station, with water available. The ticket agency was closed in 1946. The stop is now completely disused, the
Kaynak: Noarlunga railway station
Baucau Airport BCH | WPEC, former Cakung Airport, is an unattended airport located 6.5 | km | mi | abbr on west of Baucau , a city in East
Kaynak: Baucau Airport
The AN/FPS-124 is an unattended Radar (UAR) providing short range, doppler radar surveillance of airborne targets. It provides target
Kaynak: AN/FPS-124
DEW operations ended 1989; unattended NWS Short Range Radar installed 1990 to cover any Long Range Radar surveillance gaps; Site
Kaynak: North Warning System
application that provides both browser based no-installation access for support personnel and unattended remote access to available remote computers.
Kaynak: SimpleHelp
Suai Airport UAI | WPDB, also known as Covalima Airport, is an unattended airport located 4 | km | mi | abbr on east of Suai , a city in
Kaynak: Suai Airport
An honesty bar is an unattended beverage bar , typically in the lobby or lounge of a hotel , where payment is left to the guest
Kaynak: Honesty bar
Little Harbour is a small unattended recreation area situated on Gander Lake , near Gander , Newfoundland . Access to this area is via a
Kaynak: Little Harbour (Gander Lake)
Neglect is defined as giving little attention to or to leave undone or unattended to, especially through carelessness. Mortuary neglect
Kaynak: Patient and mortuary neglect
is a company that cleans up after suicides, homicides, unattended deaths, etc The company pioneered its field and was the subject of a
Kaynak: Aftermath, Inc.
When targets in the attended visual field are compared to targets in the unattended visual field, the unattended targets are found to
Kaynak: Visual N1
It may also describe a similar phenomenon that occurs when one may immediately detect words of importance originating from unattended
Kaynak: Cocktail party effect
Attended messages can be perceived, but according to Treisman's model, unattended messages can be perceived but at a lesser strength,
Kaynak: Broadbent's filter model of attention

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