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underfoot ne demek?

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"underfoot" için örnek kullanımlar

But sliding and gliding with the soft cushion of clay underfoot is one thing.
Ama kayma ve kil yumuşak bir yastık ile kayma ayaklar bir şeydir.
Kaynak: espn.go.com
The course included some testing hills and the conditions underfoot were extremely muddy.
Elbette bazı testler tepeler dahil ve koşulları underfoot derece çamurlu.
Kaynak: thescarboroughnews.co.uk
Snow crunched underfoot the further the group traveled.
Kar daha da grubun seyahat ayaklar ezildi.
Kaynak: dailyrecord.com
A ski is narrow strip of wood, plastic, metal or combination thereof worn underfoot to glide over snow. Substantially longer than wide and
Kaynak: Ski
The fell is wet underfoot, with large areas clad in heather. The eastern slopes above Thirlmere have been planted with conifers .
Kaynak: Armboth Fell
detectable by long cane or underfoot which are used to alert people with visual impairments of their approach to streets and hazardous drop-offs.
Kaynak: Tactile paving
es | Pato was banned several times during its history due to the violence—not only to the duck; many gaucho s were trampled underfoot, and
Kaynak: Pato
Overhead, twelve octagonal mosaics by G. Opryshko, S. Volkov, and I. Morozov depict Belarusian daily life, and underfoot the platform is
Kaynak: Belorusskaya (Koltsevaya Line)
barrier beach , which typically blocks the mouth of the creek, forcing the creekwaters to flow underfoot as they seep into the Pacific Ocean .
Kaynak: San Gregorio State Beach
Usually this area around the lake is fairly dry underfoot. In certain weather conditions thousands of small green frogs hide in the damp
Kaynak: Lake Stymphalia
perhaps in reference to the bog gy conditions underfoot, or because of the resemblance of its pointed profile to an archetypal witch's hat.
Kaynak: Pen Llithrig y Wrach
this material is laid beneath carpet ing to provide comfort underfoot, to reduce wear on the carpet, and to provide insulation against
Kaynak: Underlay
Germania pinning underfoot a panther, symbolizing the suppression of discord and rebellion; a sibyl reclining on a sphinx and reading
Kaynak: Bismarck Memorial

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