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undergird ne demek?

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undergird anlamı

"undergird" için örnek kullanımlar

Shale formations undergird a wide swath of Appalachia.
Şeyl oluşumları Appalachia geniş bir şeridi alttan.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
The state's herbaria were "growing to an adequate volume of specimens to undergird the Flora," she said.
Devletin herbaryumlar "Flora alttan için örneklerin yeterli hacmi büyüyor," edildi dedi.
Kaynak: vagazette.com
Many states called for more guidance from HHS on application requirements and the Affordable Care Act's federal data hub, which will undergird state eligibility systems.
Birçok devlet uygulama gereksinimleri ve devlet uygunluk sistemleri alttan olacaktır Affordable Bakım Yasası federal veri merkezi, ilgili HHS daha fazla rehberlik çağrısında bulundu.
Kaynak: thehill.com
"At this point, China is de facto relying upon the U.S. to undergird regional security and to maintain the freedom of the sea lanes on which it depends for its own oil imports.
"Bu noktada, Çin'in bölgesel güvenlik alttan ve kendi petrol ithalatı için dayandığı deniz yollarından özgürlüğünü korumak için ABD güvenmek de facto.
Kaynak: upi.com
His published works undergird five subfields of astrophysical research: (1) the synthesis of the chemical element s from hydrogen and
Kaynak: Donald D. Clayton
Clause of the Constitution and contained a classic legal statement of the right to travel which continues to undergird American jurisprudence
Kaynak: United States v. Wheeler
the stability or instability of that broad set of elite alignments that typically undergird a polity; 3. the presence or absence of elite
Kaynak: Opportunity structures
go into the determination of current price determination and in which institutional arrangements undergird the process of price formation
Kaynak: Jan Kregel
because of the previous presumption of fairness And this system helps undergird the legitimacy of a society's divvying up of roles as a
Kaynak: Equal opportunity
This experience provides UConn's dental students with a foundation in the biomedical sciences that undergird the dental profession.
Kaynak: University of Connecticut Health Center
wonderful examples of brotherhood, tolerance, sacrifice and good citizenship in Islamic traditions that undergird the backbone of Islamic ethics."
Kaynak: Mukhayriq
Furthermore, the Department of Education reports that mental health concerns overlap with and in many cases undergird other important
Kaynak: Mental health provisions in Title V of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
represents the realities of the world and the moral principles that undergird this nation, that the Charter will endure for the life of the
Kaynak: Henry Loomis

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