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vicar ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

vicar anlamı
1) mahalle papazı
2) vekil
3) papaz yardımcısı

"vicar" için örnek kullanımlar

A vicar who will nudge the Catholic Church into the 21st century.
21. yüzyılda Katolik Kilisesi itelemek edecek bir papaz.
Kaynak: dailymaverick.co.za
But as the world learns more about the new vicar of Christ, it commands attention.
Dünyanın Mesih'in yeni papaz hakkında daha fazla öğrenir Ama, bunu hemen dikkat çeker.
Kaynak: timesdispatch.com
There were also reinterpretations of hit TV shows the Vicar of Dibley and Call the Midwife.
Ayrıca vardı hit TV yeniden yorumlanmasında Dibley arasında Vekili gösterir ve Ebe arayın.
Kaynak: bbc.co.uk
I have to declare an interest in that, one of my sisters is a vicar in the Church of England.
O bir ilgi beyan etmek zorunda, benim kardeşlerinden biri İngiltere Kilisesi'nin bir papaz olduğunu.
Kaynak: thisisplymouth.co.uk
A vicar (icon | ˈ | v | ɪ | k | ər; Latin : vicarius ) is a representative, deputy or substitute; anyone acting "in the person of" or agent
Kaynak: Vicar
A vicar general is the principal deputy of the bishop of a diocese for the exercise of administrative authority and possesses the title of
Kaynak: Vicar general
While such a territory can be classed as a particular church , according to canon 371.1 of the Latin Code of Canon Law , a vicar
Kaynak: Apostolic vicariate
Canon law requires that the diocesan bishop appoints each auxiliary bishop as vicar general or episcopal vicar of the diocese.
Kaynak: Auxiliary bishop
It is the root and origin of the English word "vicar ". Originally, in ancient Rome, this was an equivalent to the English "vice- " (as in
Kaynak: Vicarius
1968, a clergyman of the Church of England exercising the "cure of souls " in parish or district which was not served by a rector or vicar .
Kaynak: Perpetual curate
Cardinal Vicar (Cardinale Vicario) is a title commonly given to the vicar general of the diocese of Rome for the portion of the diocese
Kaynak: Cardinal Vicar
In the Roman Catholic Church , a judicial vicar (or officialis) is an officer of the diocese who has ordinary power to judge cases in the
Kaynak: Judicial vicar
An imperial vicar was a prince charged with administering all or part of the Holy Roman Empire on behalf of the Emperor. imperial vicar was
Kaynak: Imperial vicar
A lay clerk, also known as a lay vicar, song man or a vicar choral, is a professional adult singer in a Cathedral or (occasionally)
Kaynak: Lay clerk

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