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vicarious ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

vicarious anlamı
1) başkası için yapılan
2) vekâleten yapılan

"vicarious" için örnek kullanımlar

The sense of vicarious celebrity rings our bells, sets whole towns abuzz.
Vicarious ünlü halkalar bizim çan, bir anlamda tüm şehirleri abuzz ayarlar.
Kaynak: stuff.co.nz
In any case, this should be part of Ben Affleck's vicarious good night.
Her durumda, bu Ben Affleck'in victorious iyi geceler parçası olmalıdır.
Kaynak: oregonlive.com
His and Tiffany's neighbours take vicarious pleasure in their public breakdowns.
Onun ve Tiffany komşularının kendi kamu arızaya victorious zevk alır.
Kaynak: indianexpress.com
One of these is the 'vicarious sacrifice' of Christ on the cross.
Bunlardan biri Mesih'in çarmıhtaki 'vekâleten kurban' dir.
Kaynak: myrecordjournal.com
Both affirm the substitutionary and vicarious nature of the atonement (that Christ did His work in place of something required of us), but
Kaynak: Substitutionary atonement
Baptism for the dead, vicarious baptism or proxy baptism today commonly refers to the religious practice of baptizing a person on behalf
Kaynak: Baptism for the dead
The legal principle of vicarious liability applies to hold one person liable for the actions of another when engaged in some form of
Kaynak: Vicarious liability (criminal)
Atonement theories', including ransom theory, elements of the 'Abelardian "moral influence" theory', vicarious aspects of the atonement, etc
Kaynak: Atonement in Christianity
It is especially sympathetic or vicarious joy, the pleasure that comes from delighting in other people's well-being rather than begrudging
Kaynak: Mudita
Proxy abuse (or vicarious abuse), abuse committed on behalf of somebody else. Proxy bullying (or vicarious bullying), bullying committed on
Kaynak: Proxy
Turberville v Stampe (1697) 91 ER 1072 is an English tort law case concerning vicarious liability , also known as the respondeat superior
Kaynak: Turberville v Stampe

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