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violation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

violation anlamı
1) bozma
2) ihlâl etme
3) riayet etmeme
4) tutmama
5) yerine getirmeme
6) tecâvüz etme
7) saygısızlık etme
8) kutsallığını bozma

"violation" için örnek kullanımlar

Employees will determine if any visitors are in violation of the new rule.
Herhangi bir ziyaretçi yeni bir kural ihlali olup olmadığını çalışanlar belirleyecektir.
Kaynak: inquisitr.com
A backcourt violation by Chaminade gave Saints a chance to tie the game.
Chaminade A backcourt ihlali Azizler oyun kravat için bir şans verdi.
Kaynak: utsandiego.com
Lohan also is facing probation violation for her 2011 Venice jewelry heist case.
Lohan da onu 2011 Venedik mücevher soygunu dava için denetimli serbestlik ihlal karşıya.
Kaynak: examiner.com
Tyga was pulled over around 11:00 PM for an unknown traffic violation in Hollywood.
Tyga Hollywood bilinmeyen bir trafik ihlali için 23:00 çapında çekildi.
Kaynak: sohh.com
It is a violation to move without dribbling the ball (travelling ), to carry it, or to hold the ball with both hands then resume
Kaynak: Basketball
In particle physics , CP violation (CP standing for Charge Parity) is a violation of the postulated CP-symmetry (or Charge conjugation
Kaynak: CP violation
simply on the personal judgments of the police investigators and were made in violation of official criteria for establishing a false allegation.
Kaynak: Rape
In law, an offence is a violation of the criminal law an act considered as having caused harm to the public, as opposed to a civil wrong
Kaynak: Offence (law)
A moving violation is any violation of the law committed by the driver of a vehicle while it is in motion . other violations such as
Kaynak: Moving violation
rejected the government's argument that the AUMF implicitly authorized the President to establish military commissions in violation of the UCMJ.
Kaynak: NSA warrantless surveillance controversy
If the violation is non-intentional, the team in violation will lose possession of the ring and have it granted to the non-offending team.
Kaynak: Ringette
A parking violation is the act of parking a motor vehicle in a restricted place or for parking in an unauthorized manner. It is against
Kaynak: Parking violation
A bipolar violation, bipolarity violation, or BPV, is a violation of the bipolar encoding rules where two pulse s of the same polarity
Kaynak: Bipolar violation
A storage violation occurs when a task modifies, or attempts to modify, computer storage that it does not own. Types of storage violation
Kaynak: Storage violation
In the North American legal justice system system and in US Occupational Safety and Health regulations,willful violation (also called '
Kaynak: Willful violation

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