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violence ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

violence anlamı
1) şiddet
2) zorbalık
3) zorlama
4) ırza tecavüz
5) tecâvüz

"violence" için örnek kullanımlar

However, violence inevitably intervenes and forces Ip Man out of retirement.
Ancak, şiddetin kaçınılmaz müdahale ve emeklilik güçleri Ip Man.
Kaynak: twitchfilm.com
Security, too, was an area of concern in the wake of last December's violence.
Güvenlik de, geçtiğimiz Aralık ayında şiddet sonrasında endişe bir alan oldu.
Kaynak: indianexpress.com
Nieves said the illusion of violence with a high amount of trust is necessary.
Nieves güven yüksek miktarda şiddet yanılsaması gerekli olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: tallahassee.com
This is how mental illness and violence have become linked in our public discourse.
Bu ruhsal hastalık ile şiddet bizim kamusal söylemde bağlantılı hale nasıl olduğunu.
Kaynak: dailycamera.com
Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, and intimate partner violence (IPV), is a
Kaynak: Domestic violence
Palestinian political violence refers to acts of violence undertaken to further the Palestinian cause . These political objectives include
Kaynak: Palestinian political violence
Graphic violence is the depiction of especially vivid, brutal and realistic acts of violence in visual media such as literature , film ,
Kaynak: Graphic violence
The 2002 Gujarat violence was a series of incidents starting with the Godhra train burning and the subsequent communal violence between
Kaynak: 2002 Gujarat violence
Anti-abortion violence is violence committed against individuals and organizations that provide abortion Incidents of violence have
Kaynak: Anti-abortion violence
Although instances of football crowd violence and disorder have been a feature of association football throughout its history (e.g.
Kaynak: Football hooliganism
A violent crime or crime of violence is a crime in which the offender uses or threatens to use violent force upon the victim.
Kaynak: Violent crime
A hate crime is a category used to describe bias-motivated violence: "assault , injury , and murder on the basis of certain personal
Kaynak: Hate crime
Targeted ethnic violence (as opposed to violent protests) escalated and at first was directed mainly against Kikuyu people – the community
Kaynak: 2007–08 Kenyan crisis
During the Arab Spring , many peaceful demonstrations in Arab countries faced violence and gunfire by their government's regime .
Kaynak: Jihad
These studies have targeted possible links to addiction , aggression , violence , social development , and a variety of stereotyping and
Kaynak: Video game controversies
Political violence is a common means used by people and governments around the world to achieve political goals. Many groups and
Kaynak: Political violence
Civil resistance , civil disobedience , and nonviolent resistance which do not include violence or paramilitary force. Mutiny , which is
Kaynak: Rebellion
Indeed "police brutality" is often used to refer to violence used by the police to achieve politically desirable ends and, therefore, when
Kaynak: Police brutality
It sparked intense debate about gun violence , gun law s, gaps in the U.S. system for treating mental health issues, the perpetrator's
Kaynak: Virginia Tech massacre
Israeli settler violence refers to acts of violence committed by Israeli settlers against Palestinians and Israeli security forces,
Kaynak: Israeli settler violence

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