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watchman ne demek?

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"watchman" için örnek kullanımlar

After nearly six hours of toil, he'll resume on 102 with night watchman Steven Finn.
Zahmet yaklaşık altı saat sonra, o gece bekçisi Steven Finn ile 102 günü devam edeceğiz.
Kaynak: stuff.co.nz
Mohali Test: Bhuvneshwar bags three Australian wickets, Lyon walks in as night watchman.
Mohali Testi: Bhuvneshwar çanta üç Avustralyalı Wickets, Lyon gece bekçisi olarak yürür.
Kaynak: post.jagran.com
9:58pm: Since Nathan Lyon came in as night watchman four overs ago, he has faced 8 balls.
09:58: Nathan Lyon dört kazaklar önce gece bekçisi olarak geldi bu yana, 8 topları karşı karşıya kalmıştır.
Kaynak: smh.com.au
Boston Scientific's Watchman, designed to help prevent strokes in patients with an erratic hea
Düzensiz hea olan hastalarda inme önlemeye yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmıştır Boston Scientific Bekçi,
Kaynak: twincities.com
Watchman or Watchmen may refer to: Watchman (law enforcement), a member of a group who provided law enforcement. guard or watchman, a person
Kaynak: Watchman
Until the 1980s, the term watchman was more commonly applied to this function, a usage dating back to at least the Middle Ages in Europe
Kaynak: Security guard
The Roman Empire turned the role of a watchman into a profession by creating two organizations: the Praetorian Guard thus establishing a
Kaynak: Watchman (law enforcement)
assisting Corporal Nobbs in stopping a fight between a dwarf watchman and a troll watchman. The only description of him in this appearance
Kaynak: Ankh-Morpork City Watch
A watchman's chair is a design of unupholstered wood construction featuring a forward slanted seat, such that the watchman could not
Kaynak: Watchman's chair
A night-watchman state, or a minimal state, is variously defined by sources. In the strictest sense, it is a form of government in
Kaynak: Night-watchman state
The Watchman Problem is an optimization problem in computational geometry where the objective is to compute the shortest route a watchman
Kaynak: Watchman route problem

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