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water ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

water anlamı
1) su
2) sular
3) sıvı
4) su birikintisi
5) kaplıca suyu
6) karasuları
7) hare
8) kalite
1) su
2) suluboya
1) sulamak
2) su almak
3) su vermek
4) sulandırmak
5) sulanmak
6) su katmak
7) hafifletmek
8) hârelemek
9) ıslatmak
10) yaşarmak
11) su verilmek

"water" için örnek kullanımlar

Our baseball team once traded a catcher for another team's water boy.
Bizim beyzbol takımı bir kez başka bir takım su çocuk için bir alıcı işlem.
Kaynak: sports.yahoo.com
Contractors will remove debris from the water and recycle as much as possible.
Müteahhitler su enkaz kaldırmak ve mümkün olduğunca geri dönüşümünü sağlayacaktır.
Kaynak: abclocal.go.com
Raise your hand if you thought the Rebels were dead in the water two weeks ago?
Eğer İsyancılar iki hafta önce su öldüğünü sanıyordum elinizi kaldırın?
Kaynak: blogs.clarionledger.com
The Wellington region is under a ban on the use of water outdoors.
Wellington bölgesi su açık havada kullanımı üzerindeki yasağın altında.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
Water is a chemical compound with the chemical formula H | 2 | O . A water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms
Kaynak: Water
Drinking water or potable water is water safe enough to be consumed by humans or used with low risk of immediate or long term harm.
Kaynak: Drinking water
Water (H | 2 | O ) is the most abundant compound on Earth's surface, covering about 70 percent of the planet. In nature, water exists in
Kaynak: Properties of water
Water supply is the provision of water by public utilities , commercial organizations, community endeavors or by individuals, usually via
Kaynak: Water supply
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lake s, river s, ocean s, aquifer s and groundwater ). Water pollution occurs
Kaynak: Water pollution
Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful. Uses of water include agricultural , industrial , household
Kaynak: Water resources
Water quality refers to the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water It is a measure of the condition of water relative
Kaynak: Water quality
Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the land or soil. It is used to assist in the growing of agricultural crops ,
Kaynak: Irrigation
A water wheel is a machine for converting the energy of free-flowing or falling water into useful forms of power, often in a watermill .
Kaynak: Water wheel
A water tower is an elevated structure supporting a water tank constructed at a height sufficient to pressurize a water supply system for
Kaynak: Water tower
Water on Mars exists almost exclusively as water ice. The Martian polar ice caps consist primarily of water ice, and further ice is
Kaynak: Water on Mars
Water scarcity involves water stress, water deficits, water shortage and water crisis. The concept of water stress is relatively new.
Kaynak: Water scarcity
Groundwater is water located beneath the earth's surface in soil pore spaces and in the fracture s of rock formation s. quantity of water.
Kaynak: Groundwater
A water supply system or water supply network is a system of engineered hydrologic and hydraulic components which provide water supply .
Kaynak: Water supply network
Hydropower or water power is power derived from the energy of falling water, which may be harnessed for useful purposes. Since ancient
Kaynak: Hydropower
Water vapor or aqueous vapor is the gas phase of water . It is one state of water within the hydrosphere . Water vapor can be produced
Kaynak: Water vapor
Bottled water is drinking water (e.g., well water , distilled water , Mineral water , or spring water ) packaged in plastic or glass
Kaynak: Bottled water
A watermill is a structure that uses a water wheel or turbine to drive a mechanical process such as flour , lumber or textile
Kaynak: Watermill

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