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waylay ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

waylay anlamı
1) pusuya yatmak
2) pusu kurmak

"waylay" için örnek kullanımlar

Their defence was plodding and Brian Burke would cause enough distractions to waylay his young charges.
Onların savunma plodding ve Brian Burke onun genç ücretleri önünü yeterince dikkat dağıtıcı neden olur.
Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
Limbo's landscape exhibits a terrible intelligence; deforming, collapsing and expanding as necessary to waylay Dante as he explores this woeful wonderland.
Limbo adlı manzara korkunç bir zeka sergiler;, deforme çöken ve o bu Kederli harikalar araştırıyor Dante önünü gerektiği şekilde genişletiyor.
Kaynak: calitreview.com
That's eight days after Toby Widmer, the Bureau of Transportation's interim director, suggested the city should waylay plans for a sidewalk a few blocks away from where the girl died.
O Toby Widmer, Ulaştırma ara dönem direktörü Bürosu, şehirde birkaç blok uzaklıkta kızın öldüğü yerden bir kaldırım için planlar önünü önerdi sonra sekiz gün var.
Kaynak: blogtown.portlandmercury.com
especially recently married ones and does indecent things with them, although he cannot be seen by other people, not even by the ones who waylay him".
Kaynak: Zburator
The government does not, indeed, waylay a man in a lonely place, spring upon him from the roadside, and, holding a pistol to his head,
Kaynak: Voluntary taxation
Once they would be in front of them, the warriors were to waylay the British officers by spreading themselves out and hiding inside a
Kaynak: Warrior Otenyo
conspires with a notorious daku (bandit) Shaitan Singh (Goga Kapoor ) to waylay a train transporting a large cache of Government gold bullion.
Kaynak: Toofan (film)
The thrusting tip at the bottom of the pommel is commonly referred to as a waylay tip, as its purpose is to be used to strike between the
Kaynak: Foam weapon
com/security/223845/piracy-bill-could-waylay-floss-projects | title Piracy bill could waylay FLOSS projects: If enacted, the SOPA bill in
Kaynak: Stop Online Piracy Act

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