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weak-kneed ne demek?

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"weak-kneed" için örnek kullanımlar

book The Ragamuffin Gospel , which defines ragamuffins as "the burdened, the wobbly and weak-kneed, the inconsistent, unsteady disciples...
Kaynak: A Ragamuffin Band
All I can say is, go on and bleed, but it is more important to keep law and order in the society than to be worried about weak-kneed
Kaynak: Tim Ralfe
In China the overall event is perceived as a diplomatic victory while in Japan the Japanese government's "weak-kneed" handling of the
Kaynak: 2010 Senkaku boat collision incident
Legislatures, pliantly serviceable to the demands of influential cliques and unchecked by weak-kneed governors, spread them on the statute
Kaynak: Theodore L. Stiles
All I can say is, go on and bleed, but it is more important to keep law and order in this society than to be worried about weak-kneed
Kaynak: Just watch me
The Fianna awaken from their stupor, bound and weak-kneed. They break free and an enraged Finn calls upon them and the women of the court
Kaynak: Dancing on Dangerous Ground
his element as the alcoholic weak-kneed cad, who shows he doesn't have as much stomach for his criminal mischief as does his lady accomplice
Kaynak: Too Late for Tears
By a fluke, weak-kneed Alfalfa is chosen to face Butch in the barnyard boxing ring—and he has only one day to train for the big bout.
Kaynak: Glove Taps
Plot summary: Diwakar is weak-kneed and immature. An orphan,he is delighted by Kiranmayi treating him as her brother, and eventually shirks
Kaynak: Choritrohin
Ethel (McCarthy's other daughter), who, like her father, possesses all the evil a woman is capable of; she is married to weak-kneed Glavis.
Kaynak: The Homesteader
The dancers, described as "fleet-footed or nimble-footed", appear in masks representing the dead, human being or animal; the weak-kneed
Kaynak: Nyau
The media is the chief source of demands that the government exercise a more independent and less "weak-kneed" diplomacy in view of the
Kaynak: Foreign policy of Japan
He feared he might require an operation to remove his knee-cap and joked to Scott that, if he did, he would remain 'a weak-kneed
Kaynak: Augustine Birrell
Crony capitalism, lack of transparency, accounting procedures not up to international standards, and weak-kneed politicians too quick to
Kaynak: Crony capitalism
Palmer's manifesto that his opponents for the nomination were Rumanians, Greeks and Icelanders, and weak-kneed ones at that...
Kaynak: Alexander Mitchell Palmer
The emperor Nicholas, openly disgusted with Frederick William's weak-kneed truckling to the Revolution, again intervened. To him the duke
Kaynak: History of Schleswig-Holstein
"The battle behind the wire was not fought between patriotic hard-core Mau Mau and weak-kneed, wavering, broken men who confessed. . . .
Kaynak: Mau Mau Uprising
pursued by an evil cabal of Jews, headed by the high priest Caiaphas , who finally blackmail ed a weak-kneed Pilate into putting Jesus to death.
Kaynak: The Passion of the Christ

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