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weakness ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

weakness anlamı
1) zayıflık
2) güçsüzlük
3) halsizlik
4) zaaf
5) kuvvetsizlik
6) cansızlık
7) dayanıksızlık
8) hasta oluş
9) zayıf taraf

"weakness" için örnek kullanımlar

Kragalott said the only weakness this team had was the lack of experience.
Kragalott Bu takım vardı sadece zayıflık deneyim eksikliği olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: lavozdeanza.com
"She had no weakness that I could see," said Gorham Coach Laughn Berthiaume.
"O gördüğüm kadarıyla hiçbir zayıflık vardı," Gorham Koç Laughn Berthiaume dedi.
Kaynak: pressherald.com
In fact, the tight Apple integration is the device's greatest strength and weakness.
Aslında, sıkı Apple entegrasyonu cihazın en büyük güç ve zayıflık.
Kaynak: tulsaworld.com
The question is if they can expose MC's weakness, which I still think is goaltending.
Onlar hala goaltending düşünüyorum MC zayıflığı, maruz eğer soru.
Kaynak: bostonherald.com
Muscle weakness or myasthenia (my- from Greek μυο meaning "muscle" + -asthenia ἀσθένεια meaning "weakness ") is a lack of muscle strength
Kaynak: Muscle weakness
languidness, languor, lassitude, and listlessness) is a subjective feeling of tiredness which is distinct from weakness , and has a gradual onset.
Kaynak: Fatigue (medical)
Weakness may refer to: Muscle weakness , the inability to exert force with one's muscles. The Weakness , the thirty-seventh book in the
Kaynak: Weakness (disambiguation)
Functional weakness is weakness of an arm or leg due to the nervous system not working properly. It is not caused by damage or disease of
Kaynak: Functional weakness
Facial weakness is a medical sign associated with a variety of medical conditions. specific conditions associated with facial weakness include:
Kaynak: Facial weakness
In computer security , a vulnerability is a weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system's information assurance . system weakness.
Kaynak: Vulnerability (computing)
Strengths and weaknesses generally refer to a person's character. Often a strength can be a weakness, and vice versa , a weakness can be a
Kaynak: Strengths and weaknesses (personality)

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