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weave ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

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"weave" için örnek kullanımlar

''We decided to duck and weave and go around the big guns,'' McEvoy said.
Biz ve örgü ördek ve büyük silahlar etrafında gitmeye karar verdi'','' McEvoy dedi.
Kaynak: smh.com.au
Brownridge was stopped after police saw her speed and weave in traffic.
Polis trafik onun hız ve örgü gördükten sonra Brownridge durduruldu.
Kaynak: homewood-flossmoor.patch.com
"We'll try to take those ideas and weave them into the plan as best we can."
"Elimizden iyi şekilde planı içine bu fikirleri ve örgü onları almaya çalışacağım."
Kaynak: thenewstribune.com
And pretty fast he is going too, as they weave down the home straight.
Ve oldukça hızlı doğruca eve aşağı onlar örgü olarak da gidiyor.
Kaynak: thejakartaglobe.com
The majority of woven products are created with one of three basic weaves: plain weave , satin weave , or twill . Woven cloth can be plain
Kaynak: Weaving
Bonding is an approach to hair weave that lasts for a shorter period of time in comparison to sew-in weave. It involves the application of
Kaynak: Artificial hair integrations
Plain weave (also called tabby weave, linen weave or taffeta weave) is the most basic of three fundamental types of textile weaves (along
Kaynak: Plain weave
Satin weave is one of the three important textile weaves (The other two are plain and twill weave.) The satin weave is distinguished
Kaynak: Satin weave
Twill is a type of textile weave with a pattern of diagonal parallel ribs (in contrast with a satin and plain weave). This is done by
Kaynak: Twill
Pile weave is a form of textile created by weaving . Pile fabrics used to be made on traditional hand weaving machines. threads) during weaving.
Kaynak: Pile weave
Leno weave (also called Gauze Weave or Cross Weave) is a weave in which two warp yarn s are twisted around the weft yarns to provide a
Kaynak: Leno weave
Even-weave fabric or canvas is any woven textile where the warp and weft thread s are of the same size. Even-weave fabrics are
Kaynak: Even-weave
Persian weave is a method of weave used in jewelry and other art forms. When used for making chains, the Persian weave makes a dense
Kaynak: Persian weave

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