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webbing ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

webbing anlamı
1) dokuma
2) sağlam dokunmuş kumaş

"webbing" için örnek kullanımlar

He'd torn the webbing between the middle and index fingers on his left hand.
Onun sol taraftan orta ve işaret parmakları arasında dokuma parçalanmış olur.
Kaynak: news-record.com
Unlike a spike strip, these points are also attached to a sheet of rope webbing.
Bir başak şerit aksine, bu noktaları da ip dokuma bir sayfa eklenir.
Kaynak: redorbit.com
I remember him tearing the webbing of some poor kid's hand darn near up to his wrist.
Ona biraz zavallı çocuğun elini bileğine yakın lanetlemek ve dokuma yırtılma hatırlıyorum.
Kaynak: packers.com
Recalled units can be identified by the elasticized webbing.
Hatırlanan tane elastik dokuma tarafından tespit edilebilir.
Kaynak: knoxnews.com
Webbing is a strong fabric woven as a flat strip or tube of varying width and fibre s often used in place of rope . The name webbing
Kaynak: Webbing
Interdigital webbing is the presence of membranes of skin between the digits . Normally in mammal s, webbing is present in the embryo but
Kaynak: Interdigital webbing
These modifications include non-conductive webbing (typically for battling Electro ), flame-retardant webbing (against the Human Torch or
Kaynak: Spider-Man's powers and equipment
Personal Load Carrying Equipment (PLCE) is the current tactical webbing system of the British Army . It consists of a belt, yoke
Kaynak: Personal Load Carrying Equipment
There are various levels of webbing, from partial to complete. For example, the rare Hose's Civet , a viverrid endemic to northern
Kaynak: Webbed toes
1958- pattern webbing was a modular based personal equipment system issued to the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom from the 1950s up
Kaynak: 58 pattern webbing
The Pouch Attachment Ladder System or PALS is a grid of webbing invented and patented by United States Army Natick Soldier Research,
Kaynak: Pouch Attachment Ladder System
A webbing stretcher is an upholstery tool used to stretch upholstery fabrics for a snug fit. stretching of webbing used in 8-way hand tying.
Kaynak: Webbing stretcher
0-9 : 44 pattern webbing 58 pattern webbing 61 pattern webbing 72 pattern webbing A : All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment
Kaynak: List of webbing equipment
The 1961 pattern webbing equipment was issued to the Rhodesian and South African army. It was based on the British 1958 pattern .
Kaynak: 61 pattern webbing
The 1914 Pattern Web Equipment was the webbing issued to the British Army during World War I See also : 39 Pattern Webbing References
Kaynak: 1914 pattern Webbing
Tineola bisselliella, known as the common clothes moth, webbing clothes moth, or simply clothing moth, is a species of fungus moth
Kaynak: Tineola bisselliella
Slacklining is a practice in balance that typically uses nylon or polyester webbing tensioned between two anchor points.
Kaynak: Slacklining

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