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accreditation ne demek?

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"accreditation" için örnek kullanımlar

As part of the accreditation process, DNV surveyors will visit Phoebe annually.
Akreditasyon sürecinin bir parçası olarak, DNV eksperleri yıl Phoebe ziyaret edecek.
Kaynak: albanyherald.com
An accreditation team arrived at Barnstable High School Sunday to evaluate the school.
Bir akreditasyon ekibi okul değerlendirmek Barnstable Lisesi Pazar geldi.
Kaynak: wickedlocal.com
The hospital has received accreditation from DNV Healthcare.
Hastane DNV Sağlık akreditasyon aldı.
Kaynak: walb.com
However, HLC recognized that Ashford is actively engaged in addressing accreditation concerns.
Ancak, HLC Ashford aktif akreditasyon kaygıları ele meşgul olduğunu tanıdı.
Kaynak: fool.com
against official standards are themselves formally accredited by accreditation bodies (such as UKAS ); hence they are sometimes known as "
Kaynak: Accreditation
Educational accreditation is a type of quality assurance process under which services and operations of educational institutions or
Kaynak: Educational accreditation
Regional accreditation is a term used in the United States to refer to educational accreditation conducted by any of several accreditation
Kaynak: Regional accreditation
Higher education accreditation is a type of quality assurance process under which services and operations of post-secondary educational
Kaynak: Higher education accreditation
Higher education accreditation in the United States has long been established as a peer review process coordinated by accreditation
Kaynak: Higher education accreditation in the United States
Hospital accreditation has been defined as “A self-assessment and external peer assessment process used by health care organizations to
Kaynak: Hospital accreditation
The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies administers a voluntary accreditation program for law enforcement agencies .
Kaynak: Professional certification
Diplomatic accreditation is the process in which an ambassador is certified as one country's official representative to another.
Kaynak: Diplomatic accreditation
Pre-tertiary-education accreditation is a type of quality assurance process under which services and operations of pre-tertiary schools and
Kaynak: Pre-tertiary-education accreditation
been simultaneously granted both Level IV Status and institutional accreditation. Silliman University on the other hand is recorded to have
Kaynak: Higher education in the Philippines
Section 29 of the act sought to upgrade education institutions' standards to achieve "quality education", through voluntary accreditation
Kaynak: Education in the Philippines
An ITHC, or IT Health Check, is an IT security assessment required, as part of an accreditation process, for many government computer
Kaynak: ITHC
Due to the near-universal desire for quality healthcare , there is a growing interest in international healthcare accreditation Providing
Kaynak: International healthcare accreditation
Triple Accreditation is the accreditation awarded to 58 business schools worldwide by the three largest and most influential business school
Kaynak: Triple accreditation
An accreditation mill is an organization that purports to award educational accreditation to higher education institutions without having
Kaynak: Accreditation mill
Dual accreditation is the practice in diplomacy of a country granting two separate responsibilities to a single diplomat . dual
Kaynak: Dual accreditation
The Trent Accreditation Scheme (TAS), (now replaced de facto by a number of independent accreditation schemes, such as the QHA Trent
Kaynak: Trent Accreditation Scheme

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