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accrual ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

accrual anlamı
1) büyüme
2) artış
3) artış miktarı
4) çoğalma

"accrual" için örnek kullanımlar

Homeliness is a patina; an accrual of memories and emotional attachments.
Homeliness bir patine olduğunu; anılar ve duygusal bağlantıların tahakkuk.
Kaynak: newstatesman.com
And then just finally, the change in the accrual for the earnout?
Ve sonra sadece son olarak, earnout için tahakkuk içinde değişiklik?
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
However, the study was terminated because of poor accrual.
Ancak, çalışma nedeniyle yoksul tahakkuk sonlandırıldı.
Kaynak: generalsurgerynews.com
Administration raises concern about leave accrual.
İdaresi izni tahakkuk hakkında endişe uyandırmaktadır.
Kaynak: adn.com
The cash basis and the accrual basis are the two primary methods of tracking income and expenses in accounting. Both can be used in a
Kaynak: Comparison of cash and accrual methods of accounting
In finance , a range accrual is a type of derivative product very popular among structured-note investors. billions of Range Accrual indexed
Kaynak: Range accrual
An accrual bond is a fixed- interest bond that is issued at its face value and repaid at the end of the maturity period together with the
Kaynak: Accrual bond
Deferred, in accrual accounting , is any account where the asset or liability is not realized until a future date (accounting period ),
Kaynak: Deferral
The revenue recognition principle is a cornerstone of accrual accounting together with matching principle . They both determine the
Kaynak: Revenue recognition
"The matching principle is a culmination of accrual accounting and the revenue recognition principle. They both determine the accounting
Kaynak: Matching principle
There are 31 standards on the accrual basis of accounting and one standard on the cash basis of accounting (source: IPSAS Handbook
Kaynak: International Public Sector Accounting Standards
Deferred income (also known as deferred revenue, unearned revenue, or unearned income) is, in accrual accounting , money received for goods
Kaynak: Deferred income
Proprietary funds, used for business-like activities, usually operate on an accrual basis Governmental accountants sometimes refer to the
Kaynak: Fund accounting
1998) was a court case that addressed whether a casino , using the accrual method of accounting , could deduct the value of slot club
Kaynak: Gold Coast Hotel & Casino v. United States
Whereas in mature economies, human capital accrual, or an estimate of cost that has been incurred but not yet paid, takes the place of
Kaynak: Kuznets curve
doctrine is used most often for deciding when cash method (as opposed to accrual method ) taxpayers are to include certain non-cash income items.
Kaynak: Doctrine of cash equivalence
Two common accounting methods , cash basis accounting and accrual basis accounting, do not use the same process for measuring revenue.
Kaynak: Revenue
Commissioner, 372 U.S. 128 (1963 is a decision by the United States Supreme Court in which the Court held that, under the accrual method
Kaynak: Schlude v. Commissioner
equivalents is received The installment method defers the recognition of income when compared with both the cash and accrual methods of accounting.
Kaynak: Installment sale

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