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accretion ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

accretion anlamı
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2) ilave
3) katılım
4) arazinin genişlemesi

"accretion" için örnek kullanımlar

However, current account deposit accretion is weak and declined 25% yoy in FY12.
Ancak, cari mevduat yığılma zayıf ve FY12% 25 yıllık gerilemiştir.
Kaynak: myiris.com
A supermassive black hole's accretion disk is so hot that it glows in ultraviolet.
Bir süper kütleli kara deliğin yığılma diskinin ultraviyole parlıyor o kadar sıcak.
Kaynak: skyandtelescope.com
"It's a link to find out about the accretion history. That's why we study the halo."
"Bu yığılma geçmişi hakkında bilgi edinmek için bir bağlantı var. Biz halo çalışma nedeni budur."
Kaynak: lightyears.blogs.cnn.com
The second effect dictates how photons from the accretion disk travel to to telescope.
İkinci etkisi teleskop yığılma diskinin hareketinden nasıl fotonlar belirler.
Kaynak: phys.org
In astrophysics , the term accretion is used for at least two distinct processes. typically gas eous matter in an accretion disc Accretion
Kaynak: Accretion (astrophysics)
An accretion disc is a structure (often a circumstellar disk ) formed by diffuse material in orbit al motion around a central body.
Kaynak: Accretion disc
The protoplanetary disk is an accretion disk which continues to feed the central star. Initially very hot, the disk later cools in what
Kaynak: Nebular hypothesis
Bondi Accretion is spherical accretion onto an object. It is generally used in the context of neutron star and black hole accretion for
Kaynak: Bondi accretion
Pulsed Accretion in astronomy is the periodic modulation in accretion rate of young stellar objects in binary system s, producing a
Kaynak: Pulsed Accretion
In finance , accretion is the change in the price of a bond bought at a discount to the par value of the bond Accretion can be thought of
Kaynak: Accretion (finance)
In accounting , accretion expense date February 2007 is the expense created when updating the present value (PV) of a balance sheet item.
Kaynak: Accretion expense
The ice accretion indicator is an L-shaped piece of aluminium 38 cm (15.0 in) long by 4 to 5 cm (2.0 in) wide It is used to indicate the
Kaynak: Ice accretion indicator
The radiation from AGN is believed to be a result of accretion of mass by the supermassive black hole at the centre of the host galaxy
Kaynak: Active galactic nucleus

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