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aerobics ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

aerobics anlamı

"aerobics" için örnek kullanımlar

For adults, the center will have two workout rooms and an aerobics room.
Yetişkinler için, merkezi iki egzersiz odası ve aerobik salonu olacak.
Kaynak: tulsaworld.com
They hope to expand it to include water aerobics and intramural water sports.
Onlar su aerobiği ve intramural su sporları dahil etmek genişletmeyi umuyoruz.
Kaynak: collegian.csufresno.edu
Her svelt shape she attributed to aerobics and going to the gym.
Onun svelt şekil olarak o aerobik ve jimnastik salonu olacak atfedilen.
Kaynak: dailybulletin.com
Start with a very low object, such as the bottom tread of a stair or an aerobics step.
Bu tür bir basamağın alt sırt ya da aerobik bir adım olarak, çok düşük bir nesne ile başlar.
Kaynak: chicagophoenix.com
Sport aerobics, or aerobic gymnastics is the ability to perform continuously complex and high-intensity movement patterns to music—which
Kaynak: Sport aerobics
Water aerobics or "waterobics" is the performance of aerobic exercise in shallow water such as a swimming pool . "aqua aerobics", and is a
Kaynak: Water aerobics
Step aerobics is a form of aerobic power distinguished from other types of aerobic exercise by its use of an elevated platform (the step
Kaynak: Step aerobics
Freestyle aerobics is an aerobics style in which a group instructor choreographs several short dance combinations and teaches them to the
Kaynak: Freestyle aerobics

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